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Corporate law's limits
Roe, M. J., jun. 2002, En: Journal of Legal Studies. 31, 2 I, p. 233-272 40 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
92 Citas (Scopus) -
Creating and reducing intergroup conflict: The role of perspective-taking in affecting out-group evaluations
Galinsky, A. D., 2002, Toward Phenomenology of Groups and Group Membership. JAI Press, p. 85-113 29 p. (Research on Managing Groups and Teams; vol. 4).Producción científica
45 Citas (Scopus) -
Culturally sensitive case study: A newborn with down syndrome
Wells, K. & John, R., dic. 2002, En: Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews. 2, 4, p. 207-213 7 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Dental caries among disadvantaged 3- to 4-year-old children in northern Manhattan
Albert, D. A., Findley, S., Mitchell, D. A., Park, K. & McManus, J. M., may. 2002, En: Pediatric Dentistry. 24, 3, p. 229-233 5 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
30 Citas (Scopus) -
Dentistry and medicine, then and now.
Formicola, A. J., 2002, En: The Journal of the American College of Dentists. 69, 2, p. 30-34 5 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
9 Citas (Scopus) -
Determinants of dental status and caries among adults in southern Thailand
Baelum, V., Pongpaisal, S., Pithpornchaiyakul, W., Pisuithanakan, S., Teanpaisan, R., Papapanou, P. N., Dahlen, G. & Fejerskov, O., mar. 2002, En: Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. 60, 2, p. 80-86 7 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
23 Citas (Scopus) -
Donepezil for cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease: a randomized controlled trial.
Marder, K., 2002, En: Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports. 2, 5, p. 390-391 2 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
3 Citas (Scopus) -
Dyslipidemia of insulin resistance syndrome explained; need for treatment to reduce risk emphasized.
Ginsberg, H. N., ene. 2002, En: American Journal of Managed Care. Suppl, p. 7 1 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Effects of early decrease in oxidative stress after medical therapy in patients with class IV congestive heart failure
Castro, P. F., Díaz-Araya, G., Nettle, D., Corbalán, R., Pérez, O., Nazzal, C., Larrain, G. & Lavandero, S., ene. 15 2002, En: American Journal of Cardiology. 89, 2, p. 236-239 4 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
17 Citas (Scopus) -
Efficacy of galantamine in probable vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease combined with cerebrovascular disease: a randomized trial.
Marder, K., 2002, En: Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports. 2, 5, p. 389-390 2 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
4 Citas (Scopus) -
Endowment effects within corporate agency relationships
Arlen, J., Spitzer, M. & Talley, E., ene. 2002, En: Journal of Legal Studies. 31, 1 I, p. 1-37 37 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
54 Citas (Scopus) -
Erratum: What is the evidence for a causal link between hygiene and infections? (Lancet Infectious Diseases (2002) 2 (103-110))
Aiello, A. E. & Larson, E. L., 2002, En: The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2, 5, p. 315 1 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Erratum: Relevance of early or current pet ownership to the prevalence of allergic diseases (Clinical and Experimental Allergy (2002) 32 (335-338))
Platts-Mills, T. A. E., Perzanowski, M., Woodfolk, J. A., Lundback, B. & Sims, G., 2002, En: Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 32, 8, p. 1259 1 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
1 Cita (Scopus) -
Erratum: Phylogenetic analysis of a human isolate from the 2000 Israel West Nile virus epidemic (Emerging Infectious Diseases (529-530))
Briese, T., sep. 2002, En: Emerging Infectious Diseases. 8, 9, p. 1007 1 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Erratum: Deteriorated housing contributes to high cockroach allergen levels in innner-city households (Environmental Health Perspectives (2002) vol. 110 (323-327))
Rauh, V. A., Chew, G. L. & Garfinkel, R. S., 2002, En: Environmental Health Perspectives. 110, SUPPL. 3, p. 489 1 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
External forces impacting U.S. health care: implications for future of dental practice.
Edelstein, B. L., 2002, En: The Journal of the American College of Dentists. 69, 3, p. 39-43 5 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
1 Cita (Scopus) -
Family-related correlates of sexually transmitted disease and barriers to care: A pilot study of pregnant African American adolescents
Crosby, R. A., Wingood, G. M., DiClemente, R. J. & Rose, E. S., jul. 2002, En: Family and Community Health. 25, 2, p. 16-27 12 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
16 Citas (Scopus) -
Financial market integration: New challenges for regulation in europe and beyond
Pistor, K., jun. 1 2002, En: European Business Organization Law Review. 3, 2, p. 247-248 2 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Frictions and tax-advantaged hedge fund returns
Schizer, D. M., 2002, Global Risk Management: Financial, Operational, and Insurance Strategies. JAI Press, p. 81-95 15 p. (International Finance Review; vol. 3).Producción científica
From the editor-in-chief
Bilezikian, J. P., 2002, En: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 87, 6, p. 2446 1 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto -
Gender differences in panic disorder: Findings from the national comorbidity survey
Sheikh, J. I., Leskin, G. A. & Klein, D. F., ene. 2002, En: American Journal of Psychiatry. 159, 1, p. 55-58 4 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
119 Citas (Scopus) -
Genome research: A tussle over the rules for DNA data sharing
Roberts, L., nov. 15 2002, En: Science. 298, 5597, p. 1312-1313 2 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto6 Citas (Scopus) -
High incidence of HIV-1 in South Africa using a standardized algorithm for recent HIV seroconversion
Gouws, E., Williams, B. G., Sheppard, H. W., Enge, B. & Karim, S. A., 2002, En: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 29, 5, p. 531-535 5 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto45 Citas (Scopus) -
HIV counseling and testing: Women's experiences and the perceived role of testing as a prevention strategy
Exner, T. M., Hoffman, S., Parikh, K., Leu, C. S. & Ehrhardt, A. A., mar. 2002, En: Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. 34, 2, p. 76-83 8 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
19 Citas (Scopus) -
If I only had a...
Lavine, M., Roberts, L. & Smith, O., feb. 8 2002, En: Science. 295, 5557, p. 995 1 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto18 Citas (Scopus) -
In God's image: The religious imperative of equality under law
Fletcher, G. P., 2002, En: Human Rights Review. 3, 2, p. 85-97 13 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
2 Citas (Scopus) -
Introduction: The new institutionalism in strategic management
Ingram, P. & Silverman, B. S., 2002, The new institutionalism in strategic management. JAI Press, p. 1-30 30 p. (Advances in Strategic Management; vol. 19).Producción científica
182 Citas (Scopus) -
Introduction: The Demsetz thesis and the evolution of property rights
Merrill, T. W., jun. 2002, En: Journal of Legal Studies. 31, 2 II, p. S331-S338Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
68 Citas (Scopus) -
Introduction: Training the military
Helton, A. C., 2002, En: Social Research. 69, 4, p. 947-948 2 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Is globalization good for the poor in China?
Wei, S. J., sep. 2002, Finance and Development, 39, 3, p. 26-29 4 p.Producción científica
9 Citas (Scopus) -
Isoproterenol and angiotensin I-converting enzyme in lung, left ventricle, and plasma during myocardial hypertrophy and fibrosis
Ocaranza, M. P., Díaz-Araya, G., Chiong, M., Muñoz, D., Riveros, J. P., Ebensperger, R., Sabat, S., Irarrázaval, P., Jalil, J. E. & Lavandero, S., 2002, En: Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. 40, 2, p. 246-254 9 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto29 Citas (Scopus) -
It's not just the genes
Kiberstis, P. & Roberts, L., abr. 26 2002, En: Science. 296, 5568, p. 685 1 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
53 Citas (Scopus) -
Letters to the editor (multiple letters) [2]
Mojtabai, R., Susser, E. S., Bromet, E. J., Pillmann, F. & Marneros, A., nov. 2002, En: Psychological Medicine. 32, 8, p. 1483-1485 3 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Liability and organizational choice
Brooks, R. R. W., abr. 2002, En: Journal of Law and Economics. 45, 1 I, p. 91-125 35 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto18 Citas (Scopus) -
Life terms or death sentences: The uneasy relationship between judicial elections and capital punishment
Brooks, R. R. W. & Raphael, S., 2002, En: Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. 92, 3-4, p. 609-639 31 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
27 Citas (Scopus) -
Measure-dependent variation in burden of disease estimates: Implications for policy
Gold, M. R. & Muennig, P., mar. 2002, En: Medical Care. 40, 3, p. 260-266 7 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
42 Citas (Scopus) -
Kim, H. J. & Rodeo, S. A., jul. 2002, En: Seminars in Arthroplasty. 13, 3, p. 223-228 6 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Mosquitoes and disease.
Roberts, L., oct. 4 2002, En: Science. 298, 5591, p. 82-83 2 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
15 Citas (Scopus) -
Out of the mouths of babes
Cohall, A. T., 2002, En: American Journal of Public Health. 92, 2, p. 159 1 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto -
Oxidative stress after reperfusion with primary coronary angioplasty: Lack of effect of glucose-insulin-potassium infusion
Díaz-Araya, G., Nettle, D., Castro, P., Miranda, F., Greig, D., Campos, X., Chiong, M., Nazzal, C., Corbalán, R. & Lavandero, S., 2002, En: Critical Care Medicine. 30, 2, p. 417-421 5 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
36 Citas (Scopus) -
Pain disorder is part of psychiatry and even the DSM-IV
Weissman, M. M., feb. 2002, En: Economics of Neuroscience. 4, 2, p. 20 1 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Weissman, M. M., abr. 1 2002, En: Economics of Neuroscience. 4, 4, p. 16 1 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Panic disorder and respiratory tract symptoms [7] (multiple letters)
Kennedy, B. L., Sheikh, J. I., Leskin, G. A. & Klein, D. F., 2002, En: American Journal of Psychiatry. 159, 8, p. 1438-1439 2 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
1 Cita (Scopus) -
Patients with ICD-10 acute transient psychotic disorder (ATPD).
Mojtabai, R., Susser, E. S. & Bromet, E. J., nov. 2002, En: Psychological Medicine. 32, 8, p. 1483-1484 2 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Periodontal microbiota and clinical periodontal status in a rural sample in southern Thailand
Papapanou, P. N., Teanpaisan, R., Obiechina, N. S., Pithpornchaiyakul, W., Pongpaisal, S., Pisuithanakan, S., Baelum, V., Fejerskov, O. & Dahlén, G., 2002, En: European Journal of Oral Sciences. 110, 5, p. 345-352 8 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
63 Citas (Scopus) -
Persistence of oxidative stress after heart tranplantation: A comparative study of patients with heart transplant versus chronic stable heart failure
Pérez, O., Castro, P., Díaz-Araya, G., Nettle, D., Moraga, F., Chiong, M., Jalil, J., Zalaquett, R., Morán, S., Becker, P., Corbalán, R. & Lavandero, S., 2002, En: Revista Espanola de Cardiologia. 55, 8, p. 831-837 7 p., 76712.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
11 Citas (Scopus) -
Philosophy and practice of freedom: Interview by Roberto Farneti
Raz, J., sep. 1 2002, En: Iride. 15, 37, p. 475-509 35 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Population studies of microbial ecology in periodontal health and disease.
Papapanou, P. N., dic. 2002, En: Annals of periodontology / the American Academy of Periodontology. 7, 1, p. 54-61 8 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
44 Citas (Scopus) -
Race, legitimacy, and criminal Law"?
Fagan, J., 2002, En: Souls. 4, 1, p. 69-72 4 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
4 Citas (Scopus) -
Remembering Gary - And Tort theory
Fletcher, G. P., dic. 2002, En: UCLA Law Review. 50, 2, p. 279-292 14 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
4 Citas (Scopus)