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- 300 - 350 de 3,984 resultados
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Assessing the effects of stress on feeding behaviors in laboratory mice
Francois, M., Delgado, I. C., Shargorodsky, N., Leu, C. S. & Zeltser, L., feb. 2022, En: eLife. 11, e70271.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto42 Citas (Scopus) -
Association of circulating gene expression signatures with stiffness following total knee arthroplasty for osteoarthritis: a pilot study
TKAF Consortium, dic. 2022, En: Scientific Reports. 12, 1, 12651.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto -
Association of neighbourhood disadvantage and individual socioeconomic position with all-cause mortality: a longitudinal multicohort analysis
LIFEPATH Consortium, may. 2022, En: The Lancet Public Health. 7, 5, p. e447-e457Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto30 Citas (Scopus) -
Autophagy in aging-related oral diseases
Peña-Oyarzún, D., San Martin, C., Hernández-Cáceres, M. P., Lavandero, S., Morselli, E., Budini, M., Burgos, P. V. & Criollo, A., ago. 5 2022, En: Frontiers in Endocrinology. 13, 903836.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto6 Citas (Scopus) -
Biomechanical analysis of anterior stability after 15% glenoid bone loss: comparison of Bankart repair, dynamic anterior stabilization, dynamic anterior stabilization with Bankart repair, and Latarjet
Nicholson, A. D., Carey, E. G., Mathew, J. I., Pinnamaneni, S., Jahandar, A., Kontaxis, A., Dines, D. M., Dines, J. S., Blaine, T. A., Fu, M. C., Rodeo, S. A., Warren, R. F., Gulotta, L. V. & Taylor, S. A., nov. 2022, En: Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 31, 11, p. 2358-2365 8 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
17 Citas (Scopus) -
"Black First, Children Second": Why Juvenile Life Without Parole Violates the Equal Protection Clause
Katz, A., 2022, En: Minnesota Law Review. 106, 6, p. 2693-2741 49 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Brachial plexopathy following shoulder arthroplasty
Haeberle, H. S., James, E. W., Meza, B. C., Apostolakos, J. M., Lee, S. K., Dines, J. S., Gulotta, L. V., Dines, D. M., Warren, R. F., Rodeo, S. A. & Taylor, S. A., dic. 2022, En: Seminars in Arthroplasty. 32, 4, p. 807-811 5 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Children's health and the peril of climate change
Perera, F., dic. 22 2022, Oxford University Press. 249 p.Producción científica
5 Citas (Scopus) -
Clinical and patient-reported outcomes after recession coverage using modified vestibular incision subperiosteal tunnel access with a volume-stable collagen matrix as compared to a coronally advanced flap with a subepithelial connective tissue graft
Lee, C. T., Lange, M., Jureidini, A., Bittner, N. & Schulze-Späte, U., 2022, En: Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science. 52, 6, p. 466-478 13 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto6 Citas (Scopus) -
Current Concepts on Tissue Adhesive Use for Meniscal Repair—We Are Not There Yet: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Marom, N., Ode, G., Coxe, F., Jivanelli, B. & Rodeo, S. A., abr. 2022, En: American Journal of Sports Medicine. 50, 5, p. 1442-1450 9 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
8 Citas (Scopus) -
Cyber Operations in South America
Álvarez-Valenzuela, D. & Vera-Hott, F., 2022, Baltic Yearbook of International Law. 1 ed. Brill Nijhoff, p. 163-186 24 p. (Baltic Yearbook of International Law; vol. 20, n.º 1).Producción científica
Acceso abierto -
Decoding the role of macrophages in periodontitis and type 2 diabetes using single-cell RNA-sequencing
Agrafioti, P., Morin-Baxter, J., Tanagala, K. K. K., Dubey, S., Sims, P., Lalla, E. & Momen-Heravi, F., feb. 2022, En: FASEB Journal. 36, 2, e22136.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto22 Citas (Scopus) -
Determinants of Nurse Practitioner Independent Panel Management in Primary Care
Martsolf, G. R., Kim, D. K., Germack, H. D., Harrison, J. M. & Poghosyan, L., feb. 2022, En: Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 18, 2, p. 212-216 5 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
3 Citas (Scopus) -
Differential regional perfusion of the human anterior cruciate ligament: quantitative magnetic resonance imaging assessment
Lin, K. M., Vermeijden, H. D., Klinger, C. E., Lazaro, L. E., Rodeo, S. A., Dyke, J. P., Helfet, D. L. & DiFelice, G. S., dic. 2022, En: Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics. 9, 1, 50.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto4 Citas (Scopus) -
Distinct Inflammatory Macrophage Populations Sequentially Infiltrate Bone-to-Tendon Interface Tissue After Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction Surgery in Mice
Fujii, T., Wada, S., Carballo, C. B., Bell, R. D., Morita, W., Nakagawa, Y., Liu, Y., Chen, D., Pannellini, T., Sokhi, U. K., Deng, X. H., Park-Min, K. H., Rodeo, S. A. & Ivashkiv, L. B., jul. 2022, En: JBMR Plus. 6, 7, e10635.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto8 Citas (Scopus) -
Dolutegravir twice-daily dosing in children with HIV-associated tuberculosis: a pharmacokinetic and safety study within the open-label, multicentre, randomised, non-inferiority ODYSSEY trial
ODYSSEY Trial Team, sep. 2022, En: The Lancet HIV. 9, 9, p. e627-e637Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto21 Citas (Scopus) -
Erratum: Improved Speech Hearing in Noise with Invasive Electrical Brain Stimulation (Journal of Neuroscience (2022) (3648-3658) DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1468-21.2022)
Patel, P., Khalijhinejad, B., Herrero, J. L., Bickel, S., Mehta, A. D. & Mesgarani, N., jul. 13 2022, En: Journal of Neuroscience. 42, 28, p. 5655 1 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto -
Erratum: Racial and geographic variation in effects of maternal education and neighborhood-level measures of socioeconomic status on gestational age at birth: Findings from the ECHO cohorts (PLoS ONE (2021) 16:1 (e0245064) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0245064)
on behalf of program collaborators for Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes, may. 2022, En: PLoS One. 17, 5 May, e0268423.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto -
Estrogen signaling as a bridge between the nucleus and mitochondria in cardiovascular diseases
Guajardo-Correa, E., Silva-Agüero, J. F., Calle, X., Chiong, M., Henríquez, M., García-Rivas, G., Latorre, M. & Parra, V., sep. 14 2022, En: Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 10, 968373.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto10 Citas (Scopus) -
Evaluating the role of subacromial impingement in rotator cuff tendinopathy: development and analysis of a novel rat model
Liu, Y., Deng, X. H., Carballo, C. B., Cong, T., Piacentini, A., Jordan Hall, A., Ying, L. & Rodeo, S. A., sep. 2022, En: Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 31, 9, p. 1898-1908 11 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
7 Citas (Scopus) -
Evaluation of dimensional changes and ridge contour around ovate pontics inserted immediately after extraction with alveolar ridge preservation in the esthetic zone
Song, S. J., Tao, G., Shariff, J., Tarnow, D. P. & Bittner, N., 2022, En: International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry. 42, 1, p. 83-91 9 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
2 Citas (Scopus) -
Evaluation of Patient Preference and Perception Regarding the Clinical Use of Autologous Versus Allogeneic Cell Therapy in Orthopedic Surgery
Eliasberg, C. D., Nemirov, D. A., Green, S. J. E., Melancon, S. G. & Rodeo, S. A., may. 2022, En: HSS Journal. 18, 2, p. 240-247 8 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto1 Cita (Scopus) -
Evaluation of SS-31 as a Potential Strategy for Tendinopathy Treatment: An In Vitro Model
Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Zhang, M., Nakagawa, Y., Caballo, C. B., Szeto, H. H., Deng, X. H. & Rodeo, S. A., ago. 2022, En: American Journal of Sports Medicine. 50, 10, p. 2805-2816 12 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
4 Citas (Scopus) -
Exercise regulation of hepatic lipid droplet metabolism
Pino-de la Fuente, F., Bórquez, J. C., Díaz-Castro, F., Espinosa, A., Chiong, M. & Troncoso, R., jun. 1 2022, En: Life Sciences. 298, 120522.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
13 Citas (Scopus) -
Fullilove, R. E., 2022, En: SpringerBriefs in Public Health. p. v-viProducción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Frozen shoulder
Millar, N. L., Meakins, A., Struyf, F., Willmore, E., Campbell, A. L., Kirwan, P. D., Akbar, M., Moore, L., Ronquillo, J. C., Murrell, G. A. C. & Rodeo, S. A., dic. 2022, En: Nature Reviews Disease Primers. 8, 1, 59.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
80 Citas (Scopus) -
Gies re-visited
Formicola, A. J. & Evans, C., sep. 2022, En: Journal of Dental Education. 86, 9, p. 1254-1258 5 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Histologic and molecular features in pathologic human menisci from knees with and without osteoarthritis
Monibi, F. A., Pannellini, T., Otero, M., Warren, R. F. & Rodeo, S. A., feb. 2022, En: Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 40, 2, p. 504-512 9 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto4 Citas (Scopus) -
Histone methylation antagonism drives tumor immune evasion in squamous cell carcinomas
Li, Y., Goldberg, E. M., Chen, X., Xu, X., McGuire, J. T., Leuzzi, G., Karagiannis, D., Tate, T., Farhangdoost, N., Horth, C., Dai, E., Li, Z., Zhang, Z., Izar, B., Que, J., Ciccia, A., Majewski, J., Yoon, A. J., Ailles, L. & Mendelsohn, C. L. y 1 otros, , oct. 20 2022, En: Molecular Cell. 82, 20, p. 3901-3918.e7Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto32 Citas (Scopus) -
Longitudinal Measurements of Glucocerebrosidase activity in Parkinson’s patients
The Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative, oct. 2022, En: Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. 7, 10, p. 1816-1830 15 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto24 Citas (Scopus) -
Making National Cancer Institute–Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center Knowledge Accessible to Community Oncologists via an Online Tumor Board: Longitudinal Observational Study NCI-CCC Tumor Board Program Collaborative Group, abr. 1 2022, En: JMIR Cancer. 8, 2, e33859.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto1 Cita (Scopus) -
Managing Your Asthma: Avoiding Allergens
Sockrider, M., Fussner, L. A., George, M. & Bruzzese, J. M., jun. 15 2022, En: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 205, 12, p. P25-P26Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
2 Citas (Scopus) -
Managing Your Asthma: Avoiding Irritants
Sockrider, M., Fussner, L. A., George, M. & Bruzzese, J. M., jul. 1 2022, En: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 206, 1, p. P1-P2Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
1 Cita (Scopus) -
Metastasis of Lung Cancer to the Oral and Maxillofacial Region: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Sheffield, J. C., Wendling, N., Vasilyeva, D. & Philipone, E., oct. 2022, En: Advanced Dental Journal. 4, 4, p. 261-281 21 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto -
Minimum 15-year follow-up for clinical outcomes of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
Nicholson, A. D., Estrada, J. A., Mathew, J. I., Finocchiaro, A., Pinnamaneni, S., Okeke, L., Dines, D. M., Dines, J. S., Taylor, S. A., Warren, R. F., Cordasco, F. A., Rodeo, S. A. & Gulotta, L. V., ago. 2022, En: Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 31, 8, p. 1696-1703 8 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
14 Citas (Scopus) -
Modeling Oral-Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in 3D Organoids
Flashner, S., Martin, C., Matsuura, N., Shimonosono, M., Tomita, Y., Morimoto, M., Okolo, O., Yu, V. X., Parikh, A. S., Klein-Szanto, A. J. P., Yan, K., Gabre, J. T., Lu, C., Momen-Heravi, F., Rustgi, A. K. & Nakagawa, H., 2022, En: Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2022, 190, e64676.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto4 Citas (Scopus) -
Multiple Gestation: Clinical Characteristics and Management
Malone, F. D. & D’Alton, M. E., ene. 1 2022, Creasy and Resnik's Maternal-Fetal Medicine: Principles and Practice. Elsevier, p. 660-686.e6Producción científica
Nitrite Generating and Depleting Capacity of the Oral Microbiome and Cardiometabolic Risk: Results from ORIGINS
Goh, C. E., Bohn, B., Marotz, C., Molinsky, R., Roy, S., Paster, B. J., Chen, C. Y., Rosenbaum, M., Yuzefpolskaya, M., Colombo, P. C., Desvarieux, M., Papapanou, P. N., Jacobs, D. R., Knight, R. & Demmer, R. T., may. 17 2022, En: Journal of the American Heart Association. 11, 10, e023038.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto20 Citas (Scopus) -
Once-daily dolutegravir-based antiretroviral therapy in infants and children living with HIV from age 4 weeks: results from the below 14 kg cohort in the randomised ODYSSEY trial
ODYSSEY Trial Team, sep. 2022, En: The Lancet HIV. 9, 9, p. e638-e648Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto18 Citas (Scopus) -
Orthobiologics for the Management of Early Arthritis in the Middle-Aged Athlete
Rauck, R. C., Eliasberg, C. D., Rodeo, S. & Rodeo, S. A., jun. 1 2022, En: Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review. 30, 2, p. E9-E16Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
2 Citas (Scopus) -
Oxygen targets and 6-month outcome after out of hospital cardiac arrest: a pre-planned sub-analysis of the targeted hypothermia versus targeted normothermia after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (TTM2) trial
TTM2 Trial collaborators, dic. 2022, En: Critical Care. 26, 1, 323.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto42 Citas (Scopus) -
Parent Attitudes regarding Orthodontists' Role as Potential Administrators of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccines
Lee, G., Begley, J., Ahluwalia, K., Shariff, J. A., Wadhwa, S. & O'Hea, C., 2022, En: International Journal of Dentistry. 2022, 6541532.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto2 Citas (Scopus) -
Patient-Reported Outcome, Return to Sport, and Revision Rates 7-9 Years After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Results From a Cohort of 2042 Patients
Randsborg, P. H., Cepeda, N., Adamec, D., Rodeo, S. A., Ranawat, A. & Pearle, A. D., feb. 2022, En: American Journal of Sports Medicine. 50, 2, p. 423-432 10 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto54 Citas (Scopus) -
Periodontal Status, C-Reactive Protein, NT-proBNP, and Incident Heart Failure: The ARIC Study
Molinsky, R. L., Yuzefpolskaya, M., Norby, F. L., Yu, B., Shah, A. M., Pankow, J. S., Ndumele, C. E., Lutsey, P. L., Papapanou, P. N., Beck, J. D., Colombo, P. C. & Demmer, R. T., oct. 2022, En: JACC: Heart Failure. 10, 10, p. 731-741 11 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto12 Citas (Scopus) -
Phenotype Harmonization in the GLIDE2 Oral Health Genomics Consortium
Divaris, K., Haworth, S., Shaffer, J. R., Anttonen, V., Beck, J. D., Furuichi, Y., Holtfreter, B., Jönsson, D., Kocher, T., Levy, S. M., Magnusson, P. K. E., McNeil, D. W., Michaëlsson, K., North, K. E., Palotie, U., Papapanou, P. N., Pussinen, P. J., Porteous, D., Reis, K. & Salminen, A. y 9 otros, , oct. 2022, En: Journal of Dental Research. 101, 11, p. 1408-1416 9 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto8 Citas (Scopus) -
Physician and Nurse Practitioner Teamwork and Job Satisfaction: Gender and Profession
Poghosyan, L., Brooks, J. M., Liu, J., Lee, Y., Bilazarian, A. & Muench, U., sep. 2022, En: Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 18, 8, p. 819-824 6 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
4 Citas (Scopus) -
PrEP for key populations: results from the first PrEP demonstration project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Franks, J., Teasdale, C., Olsen, H., Wang, C., Mushimebele, N., Tenda Mazala, R., Tchissambou, T., Malele Bazola, F., Bingham, T., Djomand, G., Mukinda, E., Ewetola, R., Abrams, E. & Reidy, W., 2022, En: AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. 34, 3, p. 359-362 4 p.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto7 Citas (Scopus) -
Projected outcomes of universal testing and treatment in a generalised HIV epidemic in Zambia and South Africa (the HPTN 071 [PopART] trial): a modelling study
HPTN 071 (PopART) Study Team, nov. 2022, En: The Lancet HIV. 9, 11, p. e771-e780Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto3 Citas (Scopus) -
Promises and pitfalls in implementation science from the perspective of US-based researchers: learning from a pre-mortem
Beidas, R. S., Dorsey, S., Lewis, C. C., Lyon, A. R., Powell, B. J., Purtle, J., Saldana, L., Shelton, R. C., Stirman, S. W. & Lane-Fall, M. B., dic. 2022, En: Implementation Science. 17, 1, 55.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto86 Citas (Scopus) -
Rates of viral suppression in a cohort of people with stable HIV from two community models of ART delivery versus facility-based HIV care in Lusaka, Zambia: a cluster-randomised, non-inferiority trial nested in the HPTN 071 (PopART) trial
HPTN 071 (PopART) Study Team, ene. 2022, En: The Lancet HIV. 9, 1, p. e13-e23Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto13 Citas (Scopus)