Data and code for: Continual Learning in a Multi-Layer Network of an Electric Fish

  • Salomon Muller (Contributor)
  • Abigail Zadina (Contributor)
  • L. F. Abbott (Contributor)
  • nate sawtell (Contributor)



Here you can find data and Matlab code to generate figures of the paper: "Continual Learning in a Multi-Layer Network of an Electric Fish", Cell 2019.
Date made availableNov 13 2019
PublisherColumbia University

Cite this

Muller, S. (Contributor), Zadina, A. (Contributor), Abbott, L. F. (Contributor), sawtell, N. (Contributor) (Nov 13 2019). Data and code for: Continual Learning in a Multi-Layer Network of an Electric Fish . Columbia University. 10.17632/4pxbpc6d5c.1