MOESM5 of Systematic prediction of DNA shape changes due to CpG methylation explains epigenetic effects on proteinâ DNA binding

  • Satyanarayan Rao (Creator)
  • Tsu Pei Chiu (Creator)
  • Judith F. Kribelbauer (Creator)
  • Richard S. Mann (Contributor)
  • Harmen J. Bussemaker (Creator)
  • Remo Rohs (Creator)



Additional file 5: Table S3. Count breakdown of unique pentamer entries in methyl-DNAshape Pentamer Query Table (mPQT).
Date made availableFeb 6 2018
PublisherColumbia University

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Rao, S. (Creator), Chiu, T. (Creator), Kribelbauer, J. (Creator), Mann, R. (Contributor), Bussemaker, H. (Creator), Rohs, R. (Creator) (Feb 6 2018). MOESM5 of Systematic prediction of DNA shape changes due to CpG methylation explains epigenetic effects on proteinâ DNA binding. Columbia University. 10.6084/m9.figshare.5862891.v1