DLI-2: Creating the Digital Music Library

  • Mcrobbie, Michael (PI)
  • Wittlich, Gary (CoPI)
  • Cronin, Blaise (CoPI)
  • Dillon, Andrew (CoPI)
  • Thorin, Suzanne (CoPI)
  • Woods, David (CoPI)
  • Crawford, Holly (CoPI)
  • Crews, Kenneth D. (CoPI)
  • Fern, James (CoPI)
  • Isaacson, Eric (CoPI)
  • Bernbom, Gerald (CoPI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


This project is to establish a Digital Music Library (DML) testbed. The testbed will focus on system architectures, content representation and metadata and network services. Although the

project will address a wide range of multimedia digital libraries issues, it is unique in it's comprehensive approach to musical content and the internet - pressing contemporary issues capturing

intense public and commercial interest. The project will involve a large team of interdisciplinary researchers at multiple sites. There is as of yet no comparable digital music library to that presented in

the proposal. As a digital library system, the DML will provide integrated multimedia access to a large corpus of musical material. As a research and educational resource for a large, diverse group of

communities, the project promises to draw out new uses and user needs and stimulate creative activities in many areas.

Effective start/end date10/1/003/31/06


  • National Science Foundation: US$3,132,596.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Music
  • Computer Science(all)


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