Project: Research project

Project Details


This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH source, and thus could be represented in other CRISP entries. The institution listed is for the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. Epidemiologic and biologic evidence support an association between chronic hepatitis C infection and type 2 diabetes mellitus. However whether clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is associated with improved glucose metabolism is not known. To address this issue, we propose a 2-year prospective study of individuals initiating therapy for chronic hepatitis. C infection. The specific aim of the project is: To determine the effects of hepatitis C treatment on glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and insulin secretion. Participants will undergo research visits 1 week prior to initiating hepatitis C therapy and every 3 months during therapy. Each visit will consist of a standardized interview, 'anthropometry, and a 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test with insulin levels. Additional clinical data will be obtained, following written informed consent, from medical records.
Effective start/end date2/15/0711/30/07

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Hepatology


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    Spiegel, A. (PI), Purpura, D. (CoPI), Spiegel, A. A. M. (CoPI), Howard, A. A. (CoPI), Melman, A. A. (CoPI), Bloom, B. B. R. (CoPI), Diamond, B. B. (CoPI), Segal-isaacson, C. C. (CoPI), Stein, D. D. C. (CoPI), Schoenbaum, E. E. E. (CoPI), Kaskel, F. F. (CoPI), Ho, G. G. Y. (CoPI), Shamoon, H. H. (CoPI), Hetherington, H. H. P. (CoPI), Crystal, H. H. (CoPI), Roy-chowdhury, J. J. (CoPI), Pollard, J. J. W. (CoPI), Rieder, J. J. (CoPI), Crandall, J. J. P. (CoPI), Wylie-rosett, J. J. (CoPI), Pan, J. J. W. (CoPI), Rossetti, L. L. (CoPI), Weiss, L. L. M. (CoPI), Bigal, M. M. (CoPI), Hawkins, M. M. A. (CoPI), Brownlee, M. M. A. (CoPI), Alderman, M. M. H. (CoPI), Schilsky, M. M. L. (CoPI), Fabry, M. M. E. (CoPI), Roy-chowdhury, N. N. (CoPI), Barzilai, N. N. J. (CoPI), Fleischer, N. N. S. (CoPI), Santoro, N. N. F. (CoPI), Kennan, R. R. P. (CoPI), Bookchin, R. R. M. (CoPI), Klein, R. R. M. (CoPI), Lipton, R. R. B. (CoPI), Burk, R. R. D. (CoPI), Nagel, R. R. L. (CoPI), Engel, S. S. S. (CoPI), Gupta, S. S. (CoPI), Somlo, S. S. (CoPI), Berk, S. S. (CoPI), Weber, T. T. J. (CoPI), Frishman, W. W. H. (CoPI), Noyer, C. C. (CoPI), Barzilai, N. J. (CoPI), Burk, R. D. (CoPI), Fabry, M. E. (CoPI), Fleischer, N. S. (CoPI), Hawkins, M. A. (CoPI), Ho, G. Y. (CoPI), Kaufman, H. L. (CoPI), Nagel, R. L. (CoPI), Rubenstein, A. (CoPI), Santoro, N. F. (CoPI), Schilsky, M. L. (CoPI), Stein, D. T. (CoPI), Wadler, S. H. (CoPI) & Wozniak, R. (CoPI)


    Project: Research project