Mathematical Sciences: Relative Trace Formulas

  • Jacquet, Herve (PI)
  • Gallagher, Patrick (CoPI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


Jacquet This award funds the continuing work of Professor Herve Jacquet in the Langland's program. In particular Prof. Jacquet will investigate certain period integrals. The major problem is to classify the automorphic representations of a particular group that are distinguished for a subgroup. Number Theory is the study of the properties of the whole numbers and is the oldest branch of mathematics. From the beginning problems in number theory have furnished the driving force to creation of new mathematics in almost all parts of the discipline. The Langland's program is a general philosophy that connects number theory with calculus. Modern number theory is very technical and deep, but it has had astonishing applications in areas like theoretical computer science and coding theory. ***

Effective start/end date7/1/9412/31/97


  • National Science Foundation: US$149,325.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Mathematics(all)


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