Taking stock of healthcare reforms: A research program on transformative capacity of healthcare systems in Canada

  • Denis, Jean Louis (PI)
  • Anderson, Kristin (CoPI)
  • Baker, G. Ross (CoPI)
  • Breton, Mylaine (CoPI)
  • Brown, Lawrence David (CoPI)
  • Chreim, Samia (CoPI)
  • Fairclough, Lee (CoPI)
  • Forest, Pierre Gerlier (CoPI)
  • Haggerty, Jeannie L (CoPI)
  • Hobson, Bruce Campbell (CoPI)
  • Kreindler, Sara Adi (CoPI)
  • Pomey, Marie-pascale A. (CoPI)
  • Ringaert, Laurie (CoPI)
  • Roy, Denis A. (CoPI)
  • Touati, Nassera (CoPI)
  • Tremblay, Dominique (CoPI)

Project: Research project


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Medicine and Dentistry

Nursing and Health Professions