To aid research on 'The Everyday Work of Achieving and Reproducing Indigeneity: Cases from the Northwest Coast,'

  • Jeffrey Joseph, Schiffer (PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


The one-year period of research comprised the primary phase of the grantee's dissertation research conducted in a large Aboriginal organization for child and family services in Vancouver, British Columbia -- the largest of its kind in Canada. In the midst of an organization providing child welfare and family support services to Aboriginal peoples from more than 100 communities across Canada, the grantee queried the process by which particular discourses, concepts, and practices are achieved and reproduced as indigenous in the diverse urban setting of Vancouver. Primarily by means of interviews, focus groups, and participation in ceremonies, feasts, special events, and daily activities within the organization, the grantee engaged his research participants in a collaborative exploration of the manner by which contemporary Aboriginal organizations for Aboriginal child and family have been and continue to be shaped by inherited colonial structures, histories of residential schooling, policies banning indigenous cultural practices, and attempted cultural genocide.
Effective start/end date10/13/10 → …


  • Wenner-Gren Foundation: US$20,000.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Public Administration
  • Cultural Studies


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