Translational Science in Integrative Oncology:'From Bedside, to Bench, to Best Practices'

  • Balneaves, Lynda Georgie (PI)
  • Seely, Dugald Malcom Robert (CoPI)
  • Bauer-Wu, Susan (CoPI)
  • Fried, Robin (CoPI)
  • Greenlee, Heather A (CoPI)
  • Guns, Emma Suzanne (CoPI)
  • Sabin, Glenn David (CoPI)
  • Sagar, Stephen Mark (CoPI)
  • Zick, Suzanna (CoPI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


For the first time, the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) will be hosting it's international conference outside of the United States. From October 20-22, 2013, over 400 researchers, health professionals, cancer survivors and patient advocates will attend the 10th International Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. This three day meeting will include keynote speakers, plenaries, oral and poster presentations as well as experiential workshops that will focus on the latest biomedical and clinical research on the efficacy, safety and integration of complementary and supportive care into conventional oncology care settings. Special programming for patient advocates from the US and Canada will also be provided to support translation of evidence into cancer survivorship communities.

Effective start/end date7/1/136/30/14


  • Institute of Cancer Research: US$19,417.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Oncology
  • Cancer Research


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