Erratum: Posttranslational Modifications Mediate the Structural Diversity of Tauopathy Strains (Cell (2020) 180(4) (633–644.e12), (S0092867420301082), (10.1016/j.cell.2020.01.027))

Tamta Arakhamia, Christina E. Lee, Yari Carlomagno, Mukesh Kumar, Duc M. Duong, Hendrik Wesseling, Sean R. Kundinger, Kevin Wang, Dewight Williams, Michael DeTure, Dennis W. Dickson, Casey N. Cook, Nicholas T. Seyfried, Leonard Petrucelli, Judith A. Steen, Anthony W.P. Fitzpatrick

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

16 Citations (Scopus)


(Cell 180, 633–644.e1–e12; February 20, 2020) Following a review of this article, under the terms of NIH grant number U01NS110438 it was determined that a change of authorship was appropriate. The author list previously omitted Dr. Mukesh Kumar, Dr. Hendrik Wesseling, and Dr. Judith A. Steen. In addition, Dr. Nicholas T. Seyfried and Dr. Judith A. Steen should have been included as co-corresponding authors. The author list, author contributions, and acknowledgements have now been corrected online to reflect these changes, and the authors apologize for any confusion this adjustment may have caused. We have also become aware of the following typographical errors. (1) In Figures 3 and S4, the accompanying legends, the Figure S7 legend, and throughout the text, “trimethylation” should read “methylation.” (2) In Figures 3 and S4, Serine 289 should be phosphorylated, not Serine 293, consistent with Table S3. (3) In Figure S2, the x axis tick marks in (C) and (D) should be in increments of 0.05. These errors have also been corrected online.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6207-6210
Number of pages4
Issue number25
Publication statusPublished - Dec 9 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Elsevier Inc.


FundersFunder number
National Institute on AgingR01AG061800

    ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

    • General Biochemistry,Genetics and Molecular Biology


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    Cite this

    Arakhamia, T., Lee, C. E., Carlomagno, Y., Kumar, M., Duong, D. M., Wesseling, H., Kundinger, S. R., Wang, K., Williams, D., DeTure, M., Dickson, D. W., Cook, C. N., Seyfried, N. T., Petrucelli, L., Steen, J. A., & Fitzpatrick, A. W. P. (2021). Erratum: Posttranslational Modifications Mediate the Structural Diversity of Tauopathy Strains (Cell (2020) 180(4) (633–644.e12), (S0092867420301082), (10.1016/j.cell.2020.01.027)). Cell, 184(25), 6207-6210.