Perfil de la organización

Organisation profile

Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, a private dental school established at Columbia University in 1916, with roots dating back to 1852. Leveraging our position within a world-class academic medical center at an Ivy League university, we advance dentistry’s practice, teaching, and scientific research.
One of our founders, William J. Gies, PhD, asserted that because oral health is inextricably linked to overall health, dental medicine is best taught within an academic medical setting. His words transformed our field, and their full expression is one of the college’s defining features today. In our classrooms, DDS students spend their pre-clinical years studying alongside medical students. In our clinical settings, scientific research and new technologies enhance care. In our laboratories, we advance the frontiers of science, often with students working under the mentorship of renowned research faculty.
As part of an engaged global university, our work extends far beyond campus. We cultivate partnerships across disciplines and continents to fulfill research, educational, and social justice goals.

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de las Naciones Unidas

En 2015, los estados miembros de las Naciones Unidas acordaron 17 Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS) globales para erradicar la pobreza, proteger el planeta y garantizar la prosperidad para todos. Nuestro trabajo contribuye al logro de los siguientes ODS:

  • Good health and well being

Huella digital

Profundizar en los temas de investigación en los que College of Dental Medicine está activo. Estas etiquetas de temas provienen de las obras de los integrantes de esta organización. Juntos, forma una huella digital única.

Colaboraciones y áreas de investigación principales de los últimos cinco años

Colaboración externa reciente a nivel de país/territorio. Para consultar los detalles, haga clic en los puntos o