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Since 1922, the Mailman School has been at the forefront of public health research, education, and community collaboration. Addressing everything from chronic disease to HIV/AIDS to healthcare policy, the School tackles today’s pressing public health issues, translating research into action.
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Colaboraciones y áreas de investigación principales de los últimos cinco años
Climate and Health: Action and Research for Transformational Change (CHART)
Kioumourtzoglou, M.-A. (PI), Zota, A. R. (CoPI), Miller, G. G. W. (CoPI), Shaman, J. (CoPI) & Berhane, K. (CoPI)
9/30/24 → 8/31/25
Exposure to Metal-Mixtures and Coronary Heart Disease Across Diverse Populations
Chen, Y. Y. (PI), Navas-Acien, A. (CoPI) & Ahsan, H. (CoPI)
9/24/24 → 6/30/25
Producción científica
County-Level Food Insecurity and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Risk: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
Kehm, R. D., Vilfranc, C. L., McDonald, J. A. & Wu, H. C., ene. 2025, En: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 22, 1, 120.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Acceso abierto -
Gender-based violence and child nutrition in fragile settings: exploring intersections and opportunities for evidence generation
Meyer, S. R., Vahedi, L., Bhatt Carreno, S., Roesch, E., Heckman, C., Beckingham, A., Gayford, M. & Orjuela-Grimm, M., 2025, (Accepted/In press) En: BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health. 000682.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
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Geographic differences in early-onset breast cancer incidence trends in the USA, 2001–2020, is it time for a geographic risk score?
Kehm, R. D., Daaboul, J. M., Tehranifar, P. & Terry, M. B., 2025, (Accepted/In press) En: Cancer Causes and Control.Producción científica › revisión exhaustiva
Conjuntos de datos
Disease heritability inferred from familial relationships reported in medical records
Polubriaginof, F. C. G. (Creator), Vanguiri, R. (Contributor), Quinnies, K. (Creator), Belbin, G. M. (Creator), Yahi, A. (Creator), Salmasian, H. (Creator), Lorberbaum, T. (Creator), Nwankwo, V. (Creator), Li, L. (Creator), Shervey, M. (Creator), Glowe, P. (Creator), Ionita-Laza , I. (Contributor), Simmerling, M. (Creator), Hripcsak, G. (Creator), Bakken, S. (Creator), Goldstein, D. (Creator), Kiryluk, K. (Creator), Kenny, E. (Creator), Dudley, J. (Creator), Vawdrey, D. K. (Creator) & Tatonetti, N. P. (Creator), Columbia University, jul. 16 2018
DOI: 10.17632/j8239bz4n5.1, y 10e vínculos más,,,,,,,,,, (mostrar menos)
E-cigarette aerosol collection using converging and straight tubing sections: physical mechanisms
Hsu, S.-Y. (Creator), Hilpert, M. (Contributor), Ilievski, V. (Creator), Olmedo, P. (Creator), Drazer, G. (Creator) & Rule, A. M. (Creator), Columbia University, ene. 1 2022
DOI: 10.7282/t3-gcx9-v016,
Discordant attitudes and beliefs about cancer clinical trial participation between physicians, research staff, and cancer patients
Hillyer, G. C. (Contributor), Beauchemin, M. (Creator), Hershman, D. L. (Contributor), Kelsen, M. (Contributor), Brogan, F. L. (Contributor), Sandoval, R. (Creator), Schmitt, K. M. (Creator), Reyes, A. (Creator), Terry, M. B. (Contributor), Lassman, A. B. (Creator) & Schwartz, G. K. (Creator), Columbia University, ene. 1 2020
DOI: 10.25384/sage.c.4842330,