Dynamic Multi-Coil B0 Shimming for Diagnostic MRI of Frontal Brain

  • Juchem, Christoph C (PI)
  • Juchem, Christoph (CoPI)


Detalles del proyecto


PROJECT NARRATIVE The proposed research is relevant to the NIBIB's mission through the development of integrated multi-coil B0 shim and radio-frequency technology for human brain imaging, including advanced design optimization, safety assessment and tailoring to clinical imaging protocols and workflow. The translation of proof-of- principle technology into a clinical tool is relevant to public health because it enhances the diagnostic value of brain MRI, thereby providing a true clinical benefit.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin4/7/2112/31/22


  • National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering: $1,050,823.00
  • National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering: $512,855.00


  • Radiología, medicina nuclear y obtención de imágenes

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