• Alexander, Gaeta G. (PI)


Detalles del proyecto


Optical frequency combs represent a form of optical source that enables a wide range of applications in high precision sensing, ranging, and timing. The proposed research effort represents a comprehensive program to advance chip?based comb generation on a chip using integrated silicon?nitride microresonator?based technology pioneered by the PI's. The proposed projects include: 1) Investigation of chip?based comb generation in the normal group?velocity dispersion regime. This approach could lead to much more efficient comb generation that could allow for a wider range of operating conditions. 2) Comb generation in microresonators with optical gain media, which could result in new types of laser oscillators that could support much broader spectra and shorter pulses than allowed solely by the gain medium. 3) Raman scattering and its effect on Kerr frequency comb generation. In almost all materials Raman scattering is present, yet its effect on comb generation is still not completely known. 4) Synchronization of frequency combs. This work would follow on the initial high?impact of the PI's to further investigate how separate microresonators can be linked photonically to produce combs that have near identical properties under a wider range of conditions and to allow for self?referencing.

Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin9/1/209/1/20


  • U.S. Air Force: $969,600.00


  • Ingeniería aeroespacial
  • Ciencias sociales (todo)

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