Innovative Stirred Media Mill Reactor for Combined Reactive Comminution and Mineral Dissolution Integrated with Electrochemical Separation of Metals and PGMs and Carbon Mineralization

  • Park, Ah-hyung Alissa A.-H.A. (PI)


Detalles del proyecto


Columbia University will develop an integrated hydrometallurgical-electrochemical mining technology to increase energy-relevant mineral yields from CO2-reactive minerals. The technology incorporates an innovative stirred media mill reactor that minimizes comminution energy and improves leaching efficiencies and a new electrochemical refining processes using functionalized interfaces for selective separation of metals. If successful, the technology will enable high recovery of target metals (> 80%) and efficient carbon mineralization (> 90%), while reducing energy input; reduce emissions related to metals mining and production; and provide a domestic source of energy-relevant minerals.

Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin2/9/232/8/26


  • Electroquímica
  • Energía (todo)
  • Ingeniería eléctrica y electrónica

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