NCS-FO: Conformable, expandable neural interface devices to assay natural cognitive maturation of the developing brain

  • Khodagholy, Dion (PI)
  • Gelinas, Jennifer (CoPI)


Detalles del proyecto


Investigating brain circuit development can facilitate understanding of how the brain becomes capable of performing complex cognitive functions. A key missing strategy is the ability to monitor brain activity as an organism transitions to successful performance of behaviors requiring cognitive processes. This project involves using bioelectronic devices that can interface with different brain structures as they naturally growto monitor immature rodents as they perform behaviors in naturalistic environments. These devices will be made out of soft, organic materials that can establish an effective interface with biological tissue with minimal damage. The overall goal of this project is to identify neurophysiologic signatures of emerging cognition, using computational analysis on acquired longitudinal data to track developmental trajectories.The outcomes of this research will improve the efficiency of biomedical devices and provide key insights into principles underlying formation of brain circuits that can support cognition. This work holds promise for guiding public health initiatives that could enable appropriate monitoring of childhood development. From an educational perspective, this project aims to expand training in interdisciplinary initiatives, specificallyfocusing on creating partnerships between engineering and neuroscience trainees and highlighting the iterative feedback process required to transition a device from development to functional utilization.This project aims to addresses focus areas (i) neuroengineering and brain-inspired concepts and designs, and (ii) cognitive and neural processes in realistic, complex environments of NSF Integrative Strategies for Understanding Neural and Cognitive Systems. The overall objective is to use an integrated implantable neural device that enables longitudinal acquisition of neurophysiological data to investigate neuralcorrelates of cognitive processes as animals become capable of performing advanced naturalistic behaviors. The central hypothesis is that organic electronics in combination with soft, expandable substrates can enable monitoring of local field potentials and action potentials from the developing brain without restricting spontaneous behavior. This data will identify predictors of capacity for neural computationsupporting cognition in individual organisms. The rationale for this high-risk/high-payoff research is that novel monitoring approaches that merge engineering and neuroscience expertise are required to derive insight into how cognitive processes emerge in complex environments. The materials, approaches, and data generated by this work have the potential to provide notable medical and social benefits, such as: (i)soft, conformable interfaces for acquisition of neurophysiological activity from the human body; ii) approaches to safely expand neuroelectronic devices to use in pediatric age groups; and iii) accessible wearable bioelectronics for preventive medicine and lifestyle management. Generation of novel datasets from animals involved in naturalistic behavioral and social situations will benefit the neurosciencecommunity and lead to further scientific discoveries. The educational aspects particularly emphasize improving diversity of trainees engaged in STEM research, and providing these trainees with the skills required to form, participate in, and manage projects that require strong interdisciplinary collaboration and involve individuals from disparate training backgrounds. Summative evaluation will be implemented forthese efforts to evaluate overall success in integrating training about core principles of bioelectronics with neuroscientific analysis, with the goal of creating new opportunities for synergy between engineering and neuroscience fields.This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin9/1/228/31/26


  • National Science Foundation


  • Neurociencia (todo)
  • Ingeniería (todo)
  • Ingeniería eléctrica y electrónica
  • Informática (todo)

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