New forms of quantum matter created with ultra-fast nano-light

  • Basov, Dmitri (PI)


Detalles del proyecto


The key objective of the proposed program is to discover and deploy new forms of quantum matter, controllable by light. The PI will employ femtosecond (fs) light pulses in order to achieve novel transient electronic states in solids and to initiate on-demand phase transitions unattainable at equilibrium. The PI will utilize spatially confined light or “nano-light” enabling unmatched advantages in generation, interrogation and utilization of non-equilibrium states of quantum matter in complex materials. The PI outlined a concrete executable plan to address some of the fundamental problems in light-engineered phenomena in complex quantum electronic materials, including: i) creating, visualizing and utilizing on-demand topologically protected states in solids; ii) creating macroscopic coherent states and promoting transitions to new phases of matter. These goals are daring in experimental and intellectual reach assuring that the proposed project will have a disruptive impact with broad implications for quantum technology hardware (Table I). The PI will investigate transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) and graphene: two representative classes of atomically layered van der Waals (vdW) solids hosting novel properties with an unprecedented degree of controllability. The PI will create on-demand novel quantum phases by applying nano-optical quantum methods and intense fs light stimulation to state-of-theart vdW meta-structures. The PI will combine concepts of ultra-fast optical control and ultra-strong (polaritonic) light-matter coupling to trigger new phenomena. The PI will take full advantage of innovative scanning probe nano-optical tools developed in his laboratory. The PI will directly probe electromagnetic signatures of transient topologically protected edge state and light-stimulated coherence through nano-imaging of optically-induced processes. The PI will study vdW metastructures in which the twist angle between the proximal atomic layers can be varied by nanomechanical means offering extraordinary tunability of electronic and photonic properties.

Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin8/1/197/31/24


  • Office of Naval Research: $3,000,000.00


  • Ingeniería eléctrica y electrónica
  • Óptica y física atómica y molecular
  • Energía (todo)
  • Ingeniería (todo)

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