NRSA Training Core


Detalles del proyecto


Contact PD/PI: Reilly, Muredach P NRSA-Training-001 (819) J. TL1 ? TRAINING CORE: PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT The overarching goal of the Irving Institute's NRSA Training Core is to bring together pre-doctoral and post- doctoral trainees from across the broad spectrum of medicine, the other health sciences, and the basic sciences at Columbia University (CU), and prepare them to be leaders of the next generation of clinical and translational investigators. The Training Core, designated as a TL1 by NCATS, is founded upon a typical NRSA T32 training program, but has unique and innovative features distinguishing it from other T32 programs including the 47 at CU. For example, the TL1 is deeply integrated into our overall Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program hub training and education program, TRANSFORM (Training And Nurturing Scholars For Research that is Multidisciplinary), which enables trainees to participate in didactic and experiential programs, including programs focused on team-science, alongside scholars in the KL2 and Master's Degree in Patient Oriented Research programs. The Irving Institute's TL1 also differs from a typical T32 in its disease agnostic approach to recruitment and enrollment of trainees, and the designed focus on Precision Medicine (PM). As such, the program is named TL1-PM. The focus on PM has been stimulated by the CU-wide initiative in PM. Based on experiences during the first funding cycle, as well as the evolution of PM programs at CU, the Specific Aims for the renewal are: Aim 1. To further develop and refine our innovative TL1-PM education and career development program, thereby empowering our scholars and trainees to use the principles of PM to engage in interdisciplinary team science across all translational domains, make new discoveries, and be equipped to implement those discoveries into clinical practice and patient benefit. This TL1 is innovative in its focus on PM, significant coursework and seminars, a structured career development curriculum, and requiring all trainees to take externships. In the next five years, new opportunities will be added, including some focused on team and implementation science. Less successful programs will be scaled back or ended. Aim 2. To demonstrate the effectiveness of existing and new programs through continuous monitoring and assessment for quality improvement, using NCATS Common Metrics as well as our local, customized metrics to evaluate the impact of our educational programs on research output and the career trajectories of our graduates. Aim 3. To accelerate dissemination of the results of novel educational delivery approaches, new methods for assessing trainee learning, and best practices for enhancing interdisciplinary team science skills, to our partners at CU, regional CTSA Hubs (TriCon), and CTSA Program network throughout the nation. Project Summary/Abstract Page 1312 Contact PD/PI: Reilly, Muredach P NRSA-Training-001 (819) J. NSRA TRAINING CORE: REFERENCES 1. &/,& &HQWHU IRU /HDGLQJ ,QQRYDWLRQ &ROODERUDWLRQ ?&RUH FRPSHWHQFLHV IRU FOLQLFDO DQG WUDQVODWLRQDO UHVHDUFK ? >$SULO @ ? KWWSV FOLF- FWVD RUJ VLWHV GHIDXOW ILOHV &76$B&RUHB&RPSHWHQFLHVBILQDOB SGf - $EHGLQ = 5HEHOOR 7- 5LFKDUGV %) 3LQFXV +$ 0HQWRU WUDLQLQJ ZLWKLQ DFDGHPLF KHDOWK FHQWHUV ZLWK &OLQLFDO DQG 7UDQVODWLRQDO 6FLHQFH $ZDUGV Clin Transl Sci. - 30&,' 30& . 7LOOPDQ 5( -DQJ 6 $EHGLQ = 5LFKDUGV %) 6SDHWK-5XEOHH % 3LQFXV +$ 3ROLFLHV DFWLYLWLHV DQG VWUXFWXUHV VXSSRUWLQJ UHVHDUFK PHQWRULQJ D QDWLRQDO VXUYH\ RI DFDGHPLF KHDOWK FHQWHUV ZLWK FOLQLFDO DQG WUDQVODWLRQDO VFLHQFH DZDUGV Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. - doi $&0 E H E 30& . $EHGLn?= %LVNXS ( 6LOHt . *DUEXWW -0 .URHQNH . )HOGPDQ 0' 0F*HH 5 -U )OHPLQJ 0 ?3LQFXV+$.'HULYLQJ FRPSHWHQFLHV IRU PHQWRUV RI FOLQLFDO DQG WUDQVODWLRQDO VFKRODUV. Clin Transl Sci. -XQ - . 30&,' 30& . (IVWDWKLRX -$ 'UXPP 05 3DO\ -3 /DZWRQ '0 2 1HLOO 50 1LHPLHUNo $ /HIIHUW /5 /RHIIOHU -6 6KLK +$ Long-WHUP LPSDFW RI D IDFXOW\ PHQWRULQJ SURJUDP LQ DFDGHPLF PHGLFLQH PLoS One. 1RY 1 e doi MRXUQDO SRQH 30&,' 30& . )DUNDV $+ %RQLIDFLQo ( 7XUQHU 5 7LOVWUa 6$ &RUEHOOL -$ 0HQWRUVKLS RI :RPHQ LQ $FDGHPLF 0HGLFLQH a 6\VWHPDWLF 5HYLHZ J Gen Intern Med -XO - doi V - - - 30&,' 30& . 'DUE\VKLUH ' *RUGRQ 0 %DNHU 3 $JLXV 6 0F$OHHU 6 6\VWHPDWLF UHYLHZ RI LQWHUYHQWLRQV WR HQFRXUDJH FDUHHUV LQ DFDGHPLF PHGLFLQH Medical Teacher.? ? - '2, ; 30,' .H\VHU '- $EHGLQ = 6FKXOW] '- 3LQFXV +$ 0HQWRUVKLS LQ WKH FRQWH[W RI LQWHUGLVFLSOLQDU\ JHULDWULF UHVHDUFK OHVVRQV OHDUQHG IURP WKH 5$1' +DUWIRUG 3URJUDP IRU %XLOGLQJ ,QWHUGLVFLSOLQDU\ *HULDWULF 5HVHDUFK &HQWHUV Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. - . 30,' 1 .H\VHU '- /DNRVNL -0 /DUD-&LQLVRPR 6 6FKXOW] '- :LOOLDPV 9/ =HOOHUV ') 3LQFXV +$ $GYDQFLQJ LQVWLWXWLRQDO HIIRUWV WR VXSSRUW UHVHDUFK PHQWRUVKLS D FRQFHSWXDO IUDPHZRUN DQG VHOI-DVVHVVPHQW WRRO $FDGHPLF PHGLFLQH Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges - 30,' . References Cited Page 1313
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin7/1/165/31/22


  • National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences: $1,162,587.00
  • National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences: $788,010.00
  • National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences: $1,142,218.00


  • Medicina (todo)
  • Bioquímica, genética y biología molecular (todo)

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