Printable ORganic SemiConductors for Highly Enhanced Displays (PORSCHED)

  • Morabia, Alfredo (PI)


Detalles del proyecto


This project is about exploiting the recent breakthrough in the development of high mobility amorphous semiconducting polymers with good uniformity in high performance transistor backplanes to drive full colour and flexible display frontplanes. Many current state-of-the-art organic semiconductors are based on polycrystalline, small molecules, which yield high mobility, but may exhibit poor uniformity and yield. Amorphous polymer materials that combine a high mobility with the uniform processing charateristics required for high volume manufacturing would be of immense value to the plastic electronics industry, opening up a wide range of display and non-display applications. The main objective is to produce a high-resolution display demonstrator based on this novel class of high performance amorphous semiconductor polymers.

Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin4/1/039/30/15


  • Materiales electrónicos, ópticos y magnéticos
  • Polímeros y plásticos
  • General
  • Epidemiología

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