Quantum State Resolved Detection System for Ultracold Dipolar Molecules

  • Will, Sebastian S. (PI)


Detalles del proyecto


Ultracold molecules promise groundbreaking advances in precision measurement, quantumchemistry, quantum simulation, and quantum computing. Molecules feature a rich internal structurethat include electronic, vibrational, rotational, and hyperfine quantum states, which can beaddressed with electromagnetic radiation that covers a spectrum from hundreds of terahertz tomegahertz. This richness of internal states poses a challenge to reach full quantum control overmolecules, but at the same time it opens enormous opportunities for quantum applications andquantum technology.With this proposal we request funding to improve the practical utility of ultracold dipolar molecules.We will use the requested equipment to extend the lifetime of ultracold molecular ensembles,control their interactions and detect them in groundbreaking new ways. The equipment items willbecome part of an experimental apparatus, a unique fridge, that cools sodium and cesium atomsto temperatures close to absolute zero and allows the controlled merging of sodium and cesiumatom-by-atom into sodium-cesium (NaCs) molecules. This proposal specifically requests a tunabledye laser that will allow the creation of an optical box trap for NaCs molecules, in which thelifetime of molecular ensembles should be substantially enhanced compared to the current stateof-the-art. Furthermore, we request microwave signal generators that allow controlling therotational states of NaCs molecules, which is important for the use of molecules in quantumapplications, and high-voltage power supplies that generate electric fields, which will be used tocontrol the interaction between NaCs molecules on the microscopic scale. Finally, we request alow-noise camera and a laser that will be used to microscopically image individual ultracold NaCsmolecules.The research enabled through this proposal will allow us to improve our understanding of complexmaterials on the microscopic scale. For example, it may enable the study of model systems thatprovide new insight into the physics of high-temperature superconductivity and lead to thedevelopment of materials that can conduct electrical power without loss. Furthermore, ultracolddipolar molecules constitute a promising quantum system for the implementation of a quantumcomputer, that can perform calculations that cannot be performed on a classical computer.The research of this proposal will be carried out in a university lab by undergraduate and graduatestudents, as well as postdoctoral researchers. As such it makes an important contribution to theeducation of a highly trained work force in quantum technology. In addition, the research resultswill be featured in courses and outreach events for the general public.

Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin6/17/216/17/21


  • U.S. Navy: $306,795.00


  • Radiación
  • Ciencias sociales (todo)

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