The Sexual Violence Problem and Anti-Violence Work on American College Campuses, 1950 to 2000

  • Abu-odeh, Desiree D. (PI)


Detalles del proyecto


Using archival and oral history methods, my dissertation examines the sexual violence problem's emergence and responses to it on American college campuses in the post-World War II period. After the war through the 1980s, there was an unprecedented increase in women's enrollment in colleges and entry into academia, law, medicine, and other previously closed-off professions. That coincided with the 'second wave' of American feminism in the 1960s and 70s, during which women's liberation practices led many to develop an anti-rape consciousness and new theories of sexual violence. These twin developments made the American university a particularly productive space to address and prevent sexual violence. Universities possessed enormous intellectual and material resources. They espoused commitments to truth and free inquiry. And, increasingly, they needed to comply with emerging anti-discrimination and campus safety regulations. All of these features provided those doing anti-violence work with a language to invoke and tools to marshal to see through long-term changes in colleges' responses to rape and sexual harassment. These changes included innovations in campus security, counseling services, health education, and sexual misconduct policies. In revisiting the ways we've thought about and responded to campus sexual violence over time, my work discerns and contextualizes those areas in which we've made great progress and those where there's still work to be done. As such, my work has the potential to inform programs and policies that could make universities safer, healthier, and more inclusive.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/1/19 → …


  • National Academy of Education


  • Derecho
  • Educación

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