William Dameshek Prize

  • Ferrando, Adolfo (PI)


Detalles del proyecto


The William Dameshek Prize is awarded to an early- or mid-career hematologist who has made a recent outstanding contribution to the field of hematology. This prize is named after the late William Dameshek, MD, a past president of ASH and the original editor of the Society's flagship journal, Blood. Dr. Ferrando, professor of Pediatrics, Pathology, and Cell Biology and Systems Biology at the Columbia University Institute for Cancer Genetics, is internationally recognized as a leader in the field of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) biology. He is being recognized for his transformative work showing that mutations in the NOTCH1 gene drive T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia by hijacking lymphocyte development pathways responsible for cell growth, metabolism and survival. This work supports inhibiting NOTCH1 as potential therapy in this disease. Over the years, he has made several seminal contributions to the field of ALL biology, which have resulted in more than 100 high-impact publications, including Blood, Science, Nature, Nature Medicine, Cancer Cell, Cancer Discovery, and Nature Genetics. His combined body of work includes many major basic and translational implications which have shaped the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of T-ALL. Dr. Ferrando's current research focuses on the genetics and mechanisms of ALL transformation and its resistance to therapy. His research seeks to identify key driver genetic alterations, dissecting their mechanisms of action, and finding new avenues for therapeutic intervention.
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  • American Society of Hematology


  • Investigación sobre el cáncer
  • Oncología
  • Hematología

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