Cognitive performance of GBA mutation carriers with early-onset PD The CORE-PD study

R. N. Alcalay, E. Caccappolo, H. Mejia-Santana, M. X. Tang, L. Rosado, M. Orbe Reilly, D. Ruiz, B. Ross, M. Verbitsky, S. Kisselev, E. Louis, C. Comella, A. Colcher, D. Jennings, M. Nance, S. Bressman, W. K. Scott, C. Tanner, S. Mickel, H. AndrewsC. Waters, S. Fahn, L. Cote, S. Frucht, B. Ford, M. Rezak, K. Novak, J. H. Friedman, R. Pfeiffer, L. Marsh, B. Hiner, A. Siderowf, H. Payami, E. Molho, S. Factor, R. Ottman, L. N. Clark, K. Marder

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Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology