Multiethnic growth standards for fetal body composition and organ volumes derived from 3D ultrasonography

Katherine L. Grantz, Wesley Lee, Lauren M. Mack, Magdalena Sanz Cortes, Luis F. Goncalves, Jimmy Espinoza, Roger B. Newman, William A. Grobman, Ronald J. Wapner, Karin Fuchs, Mary E. D'Alton, Daniel W. Skupski, John Owen, Anthony Sciscione, Deborah A. Wing, Michael P. Nageotte, Angela C. Ranzini, Edward K. Chien, Sabrina Craigo, Seth ShermanRobert E. Gore-Langton, Dian He, Fasil Tekola-Ayele, Cuilin Zhang, Jagteshwar Grewal, Zhen Chen

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Medicine and Dentistry