Practice patterns and knowledge of obstetricians and gynecologists regarding placenta accreta.

Jason D. Wright, Robert M. Silver, Clarissa Bonanno, Sreedhar Gaddipati, Yu Shiang Lu, Lynn L. Simpson, Thomas J. Herzog, Jay Schulkin, Mary E. D'Alton

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53 Citas (Scopus)


We surveyed obstetricians to determine their knowledge, patterns of care and treatment preferences for women with placenta accreta. A 27-item survey was mailed to fellows of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The survey included demographics, questions regarding knowledge and items to examine practice patterns. Among 994 surveyed practitioners 508 responded including 338 who practiced obstetrics. Among generalists, 23.8% of respondents referred patients with placenta accreta to a sub-specialist. Overall, 20.4% referred women to the nearest tertiary center, and 7.1% referred to a regional center. Delivery was recommended at 34-36 weeks by 41.2%. Adjuvant interventions including ureteral stents (26.3%), iliac artery embolization catheters (28.1%), and balloon occlusion catheters (20.1%) were used infrequently. Six or more units of blood were crossed for delivery by only 29.0% of practitioners. There is widespread variation in the care of women with or at risk for placenta accreta.

Idioma originalEnglish
Páginas (desde-hasta)1602-1609
Número de páginas8
PublicaciónJournal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine
EstadoPublished - nov. 2013

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology


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