Projets par année
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Use of alpha-frequency deep transcranial interference stimulation (tIS) to understand and modify temporal dynamics of face emotion recognition and social/affective function.
Sehatpour, P. (PI), Juchem, C. C. (CoPI) & Sehatpour, P. P. (CoPI)
7/2/24 → 2/28/25
Computationally designed, small molecule-responsive cell receptors for treating solid tumors
Glasgow, A. A. A. (PI)
6/1/24 → 2/28/25
Robust Mendelian Randomization Framework with Multi-Omics Data for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
Liu, Z. Z. (PI)
6/1/24 → 2/28/25
Statistical Framework for Unraveling Age-Dependent Genetic Landscape of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias: Harnessing Large-Scale EHR and DNA-Biobank Integration
Wei, Y. Y. (PI), Ionita-Laza, I. (CoPI) & Liu, M. M. (CoPI)
6/1/24 → 2/28/25
Testing effects of cash transfers on biological aging and risk for Alzheimer's Disease
Aiello, A. (PI), Belsky, D. D. W. (CoPI) & Handa, S. S. (CoPI)
5/1/24 → 2/28/25
WePrEP: A bilingual shared decision-making tool to facilitate conversations between transgender women and their providers as they select an ideal PrEP method
Rael, C. (PI) & Stonbraker, S. (CoPI)
5/1/24 → 2/28/25
Text4Vax: Understanding the Effectiveness and Implementation of Text Message Reminders for Pediatric COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccines
Stockwell, M. S. (PI) & Fiks, A. G. (CoPI)
4/15/24 → 2/28/25
Programs for generating inhibitory interneuron diversity and connectivity
Baldwin, K. (PI) & Au, E. (CoPI)
3/20/24 → 1/31/25
Pollution and Lung Health in Active Youth (PLAY) at School
Lovinsky-Desir, S. (PI)
3/15/24 → 2/28/25
A prospective test of biological embedding within a randomized trial of the Nurse Family Partnership intervention: DNA methylome change over infancy and relevance for child development
Scorza Bianchotti, P. P. L. (PI) & O'Donnell, K. J. (CoPI)
3/12/24 → 2/28/25
The genetic basis of emerging multidrug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum African malaria
Mok, S. (PI)
3/11/24 → 1/31/25
Doxy4STICare - Doxycycline for Sexually Transmitted Infections; A Comprehensive Assessment of Antimicrobial Resistance and Engagement
Zucker, J. J. (PI)
3/11/24 → 2/28/25
CAPRI: Columbia Cancer Research Training Program for Resident-Investigators
Crew, K. D. (PI) & Kachnic, L. A. (CoPI)
3/11/24 → 2/28/25
Mitigation Strategies for Metabolic Syndrome-induced Bioprosthetic Heart Valve Degeneration
Ferrari, G. G. (PI) & Levy, R. R. J. (CoPI)
3/10/24 → 2/28/25
A Novel Molecular Neutralization Strategy for Cytotoxic Sphingolipid in a Neurogenetic Disorder
Maegawa, G. G. H. (PI)
3/8/24 → 2/28/25
Host Factors Required by Human Parainfluenza Virus 3: Determinants of entry and viral spread
Stearns, K. (PI)
3/6/24 → 3/5/25
Striatal Dopamine's Role in Associative Learning and Behavior
Decorte, B. B. (PI)
3/2/24 → 3/1/25
Circulating tumor DNA guided de-escalation of frontline diffuse large B-cell lymphoma therapy
Cherng, H.-J. H. J. (PI)
3/1/24 → 2/28/25
Environmental Metal Toxicity and Kidney Tubule Measures in Diverse Populations
Shlipak, M. G. (PI), Navas-Acien, A. (CoPI) & Ix, J. J. H. (CoPI)
3/1/24 → 2/28/25
The Impact of the Auditory Environment on Auditory Processing of Maternal Voice and Auditory Cortex Maturation in Preterm and Term Infants
Hammond, J. J. (PI)
2/20/24 → 1/31/25
The Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) NHLBI Health Equity StARR Program
Taylor, J. J. Y. (PI)
2/15/24 → 1/31/25
The placental epitranscriptome as a novel mechanism behind prenatal metal mixture exposures and child growth and development
Kupsco, A. (PI)
2/12/24 → 11/30/24
Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Disease in American Indian Communities
Hilpert, M. (PI), Navas-Acien, A. (CoPI) & Kioumourtzoglou, M.-A. (CoPI)
2/1/24 → 11/30/24
Profiling diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D) using stool-based RNAs
Wang, H. H. H. (PI)
1/19/24 → 11/30/24
Policy determinants of substance use and treatment access for individuals registered as sex offenders in Philadelphia: a Qualitative investigation
Shefner, R. T. (PI)
1/15/24 → 12/31/24
A Nucleolar Paradigm for Pluripotency of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Wang, J. J. (PI)
1/12/24 → 11/30/24
Developing the Context-Aware Multimodal Ecological Research and Assessment (CAMERA) Platform for Continuous Measurement and Prediction of Anxiety and Memory State
Jacobs, J. J. (PI), Widge, A. A. S. (CoPI), Youngerman, B. E. (CoPI) & Ortiz, J. J. (CoPI)
1/1/24 → 12/31/24
Columbia-Cornell-Einstein EQUIP+ Center for Learning Health System Science
Adelman, J. S. (PI), Alcantara, C. C. (CoPI), Moise, N. N. (CoPI) & Masterson Creber, R. R. M. (CoPI)
1/1/24 → 12/31/24
Endothelin Signaling in Trabecular Meshwork and Schlemm's Canal Development
Balasubramanian, R. (PI)
1/1/24 → 12/31/24
Pediatric Heart Network New York Consortium
Richmond, M. E. (PI), Gelb, B. B. D. (CoPI), Anderson, B. B. R. (CoPI) & Lewis, M. (CoPI)
1/1/24 → 12/31/24
Host immunity in the lung is determined by the enhanced utilization of glucose by multi-drug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae
Ahn, D. D. (PI)
1/1/24 → 12/31/24
Research and Data Analysis Core
Masterson Creber, R. R. M. (PI)
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
1/1/24 → 12/31/24