Endothelin Signaling in Trabecular Meshwork and Schlemm's Canal Development

  • Balasubramanian, Revathi (PI)


Détails sur le projet


Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness in the United States and affects nearly 80 million people worldwide. Glaucoma results from increased pressure in the eye. Drainage structures in the eye regulate this pressure. In several cases of glaucoma and especially congenital glaucoma, drainage structures are affected. To address this, we need to understand the genetics of drainage structure development. We have identified an important signaling system in drainage structure development and will determine its mechanistic role in development using genetic mouse models. A mechanistic understanding will lead to the development of new treatment targets for congenital glaucoma.
Date de début/de fin réelle1/1/2412/31/24


  • Genética

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