A Novel Human-to-Mouse-to-Human Approach for the Elucidation of Prostate Cancer Pathways and Druggable Targets—Identifying Shared Human and Mouse Molecules May Eliminate Traditional Limitations of Animal Models and Speed New Drug Intervention

  • Abate-shen, Cory (PI)


Détails sur le projet


This project will compare all dysfunctional regulatory and signaling molecules in common between mouse prostate cancer and human prostate cancer. These molecules may represent a new set of “druggable” targets. Unlike typical drug discovery processes, where animal models are of questionable relevance to human biology, common genes and pathways between man and mouse prostate cancer should be fully amenable to animal model testing. This creative project promises to generate new targets for therapeutic intervention in prostate cancer and speed their development.

Date de début/de fin réelle1/1/09 → …


  • Prostate Cancer Foundation


  • Investigación sobre el cáncer
  • Oncología

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