Détails sur le projet
The spatial distributions of the isotopes of thorium (Th) and protactinium (Pa) have previously been used to support the notion that there is enhanced 'boundary scavenging' of particle reactive substances (i.e. their preferential removal from seawater) at ocean margins. However, recent evidence suggests that spatial variability in the chemical fractionation between Th and Pa (i.e. differential partitioning between the dissolved and particulate phases) may influence sedimentary 231Pa/230Th ratios as much as, or even more than, enhanced scavenging at margins. If true, then preferential removal of particle-reactive solutes at ocean margins may be less significant than previously believed.
Further research is needed to examine these two processes, and the proposed study by researchers at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University will address this problem and related objectives by analyzing samples collected at a location in the Subarctic North Pacific Ocean for the concentration and distribution of dissolved 230Th, 232Th and 231Pa together with analysis of their concentration in surface sediments. The samples have already been collected. Additional objectives of the proposed work include assessing the boundary sources and sinks for each isotope, the near bottom gradients and testing the hypothesis that enhanced scavenging near the sediment-water interface creates a significant sink at the base of the pelagic water column. Additionally, the potential regeneration and flux from settling labile biogenic particles, from the dissolution of lithogenic phases and/or mobilization of colloids will be evaluated in conjunction with an examination of the role of particulate phase composition in controlling chemical fractionation. The results will be used in modeling efforts aimed at examining the importance of the various processes outlined above. The proposed work will improve understanding of the enhancement of chemical scavenging and removal of particle-reactive substances at ocean margins.
The research will be beneficial to investigators in a variety of fields besides chemical oceanography, notably paleoceanography. The results will inform the debate concerning the applicability of sedimentary 231Pa/230Th ratios as a proxy for deep ocean circulation, and the validity and importance of various conclusions derived from prior research. The research will provide further information on aspects of sediment-water exchange of reactive substances. The results may also inform the research that will be conducted in the Pacific Ocean in the future as part of the GEOTRACES Program.
Broader Impacts: The scientific aspects of the research focus on improving the understanding the importance of boundary margin scavenging. Such knowledge is necessary for understanding the ocean biogeochemistry of many elements, not just the isotopes that are the focus of this study. The educational aspects of the proposal relate to graduate student education and related activities.
Statut | Terminé |
Date de début/de fin réelle | 9/1/10 → 8/31/13 |
- National Science Foundation: 202 149,00 $ US
- Oceanografía
- Ciencias ambientales (todo)