Developing a research program on using a restorative approach to address secondary harm to patients, families and clinicians after adverse events in our healthcare system

  • Oelke, Nelly (PI)
  • Kooijman, Allison (CoPI)
  • Wailing, Jo (CoPI)
  • Robson, Robert (CoPI)
  • Morrison, Brenda (CoPI)
  • Maclure, Malcolm (CoPI)
  • Canfield, Carolyn (CoPI)
  • Macdonald, Fiona (CoPI)
  • Aubin, Diane (CoPI)
  • Llewellyn, Jennifer (CoPI)
  • Prowse, Deb (CoPI)
  • Krause, Christina (CoPI)
  • Harris, Devin (CoPI)
  • Mcrae, Glenn (CoPI)
  • Kossey, Sandi (CoPI)
  • Byrd, Jan (CoPI)
  • Nicklin, Wendy (CoPI)
  • Gustafson, David (CoPI)
  • Fontaine, Alika (CoPI)
  • Puddester, Derek (CoPI)
  • Young, Ainsley (CoPI)
  • Sidorchuk, Ryan (CoPI)


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Nursing and Health Professions

Medicine and Dentistry