Discovery Projects award

  • Firman, Renee R. (PI)
  • Rubenstein, Dustin D. (CoPI)
  • Australia, The University Of Western (CoI)


Détails sur le projet


≪p≫Behavioural resilience to climatic variability. Despite Australian biota being adapted to high natural climate variability, modern climate change is leading to population collapses and shifts into novel ecosystems. This Project, which studies a unique native mammal in the Pilbara, aims to uncover whether changes in behaviour are effective for dealing with environmental extremes and unpredictable climatic conditions. It will integrate laboratory- and field-based investigations to examine behavioural responses to climatic variability and establish how these responses influence individual fitness and future population resilience. This research will advance knowledge on climate-driven behavioural adaptation and improve understanding of how species will cope with Australia’s changing climate.≪/p≫
Date de début/de fin réelle1/1/2212/31/24


  • Australian Research Council: 249 497,00 $ US


  • Ecología
  • Cambio global y planetario
  • Ecología, evolución, comportamiento y sistemática

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