Discovery Projects award

  • Atkin, Owen O. (PI)
  • Scafaro, Andrew A. (CoPI)
  • Stitt, Mark M. (CoPI)
  • Way, Danielle D. (CoPI)
  • Reich, Peter P. (CoPI)
  • Griffin, Kevin K. (CoPI)
  • Turnbull, Matthew M. (CoPI)
  • Sitch, Stephen S. (CoPI)
  • University, The Australian National (CoI)


Détails sur le projet


≪p≫A step change in modeling leaf respiration-photosynthesis relationships . This project aims to use innovative, high-throughput technologies to develop a novel framework that links daytime photosynthesis and starch/amino acid mobilisation to variations in night-time leaf respiration. Variations in leaf respiration can have large impacts on ecosystem functioning and the Earth’s climate. Although advances have been made in respiration modelling, current models are unable to predict dynamic, day-to-day variations in respiratory rates. Expected outcomes include equations that predict daily variations in night-time leaf respiration for environments across Australia and overseas. Benefits to planners include the ability to more accurately model vegetation-atmosphere carbon exchange and future changes in climate.≪/p≫
Date de début/de fin réelle1/1/2212/31/24


  • Australian Research Council: 372 854,00 $ US


  • Ecología
  • Ecología, evolución, comportamiento y sistemática
  • Botánica
  • Agricultura y biología (miscelánea)

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