Elucidating the role of fasting in intestinal stemness and tissue regeneration

  • Cheng, Chia-wei (PI)
  • Cheng, Chia-wei (PI)


Détails sur le projet


8. Project Narrative Fasting interventions and fasting gut microbiome are known to promote organismal health. However, how much of the beneficial effects due to the enhanced adult stem cell function and tissue regeneration is not clear. Intestines and gut microbiome collectively is one of the largest ketogenic organs of the human body. We will investigate how ketogenesis regulates intestinal stem cell functions and lineage decisions and evaluate its therapeutic potentials in promoting healthy intestinal epithelium regeneration.
Date de début/de fin réelle3/2/212/28/23


  • National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: 249 000,00 $ US
  • National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: 218 127,00 $ US


  • Biotecnología

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