NODDI vs. DTI metrics in predicting amyloid and tau pathology

  • Gazes, Yunglin (PI)


Détails sur le projet


In recent years, scientists have made great advancees in developing brain imaging methods to detect changes in brain structure associated with Alzheimer's disease. Unfortunately, the most informative current methods are expensive and require the use of small amounts of radioactive dyes to detect beta-amyloid or tau in the brain. Furthermore, this method is currently available only in certain geographic areas. Another method for studying brain structure uses magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is cheaper than current methods and does not require radioactive dyes. However, currently available MRI methods have limited ability to detect signs of Alzheimer's disease, and can do so only in the late stages of disease. Better imaging methods are needed to allow scientists and physicians to detect and monitor signs of disease in the early stages, when early intervention is most likely to be successful.

Date de début/de fin réelle1/1/17 → …


  • National Alzheimer's Association


  • Neurología clínica
  • Patología y medicina forense
  • Neurología
  • Sanidad (ciencias sociales)

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