Returning to the founder: Shakyamuni devotion in early medieval Japan and Japanese Buddhist conceptions of history

  • Thompson, Luke Noel (PI)


Détails sur le projet


My dissertation examines a devotional turn to Shakyamuni (the historical Buddha) in twelfth-century Japan and the transformation of Shakyamuni from an eternal buddha (which is how he was previously viewed) into a buddha who belonged to the past and to a distant land (India). Focusing on monks, texts, and rituals at the center of this trend, I argue that this turn was an attempt by Japanese Buddhists to (re)connect to what they envisioned as the source of their religious tradition. I further demonstrate that this new focus was a response to the increasing emphasis on the distant nature of that source, which was in turn a result of a new Japanese conception of history as a linear affair in which Japan existed at the geographical and temporal tail end of Buddhist transmission.
Date de début/de fin réelle1/1/14 → …


  • American Council of Learned Societies


  • Estudios religiosos
  • Ciencias sociales (miscelánea)
  • Historia y filosofía de la ciencia

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