Projets par année
Détails sur le projet
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and worldwide, with a worsening trajectory due
to increasingly aging populations. Precise understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying normal
cardiac physiology, and how they are compromised in disease, is critical for identifying new drug targets and
developing effective new therapeutics to combat heart disease. Ca2+ cycling involving local signaling between
surface L-type Ca2+ (CaV1.2) channels and intracellular ryanodine receptors (RYR2) is responsible for the Ca2+-
induced Ca2+ release (CICR) that underlies cardiac excitation-contraction coupling. Dysregulation of both CaV1.2
and RYR2 contributes to abnormal calcium signaling that is an adverse hallmark of cardiac disease. β-adrenergic
augmentation of cardiac contractility is crucial for the fight-or-flight response and is mediated by increased CaV1.2
current and sensitization of RYR2; yet, excessive activation of this pathway under chronic stress results in post-
translational modifications of RYR2 channels that cause them to become ‘leaky’ and cause cardiac pathology,
and also a potential harmful subcellular redistribution of CaV1.2. There are significant gaps in knowledge
regarding CaV1.2 and RYR2 functional organization and regulation in heart under both and disease conditions;
how their dysregulation or dysfunction contributes to heart disease progression; and whether and how they can
be targeted for effective treatment of heart failure (HF) and other cardiac diseases. This Program Project Grant
(PPG) comprises four Projects and two Scientific Cores that have been put together to help address these critical
gaps. The overarching goal is to define the mechanisms that regulate local Ca2+ signaling by CaV1.2 and RYR2
in normal and failing hearts with unprecedented precision. While each project stands on its own footing as far as
being comprised of innovative and exciting research, all are dependent on the expertise provided by the Cores
and are enriched by interproject collaborations that are greatly enhanced by the PPG structure. All four Projects
leverage the Pakistan Genome Resource (PGR) (Core A), a unique cohort of individuals with extensive
phenotype and genotype data on HF and other cardiac diseases and high rates of consanguinity enabling
identification of individuals homozygous for rare truncating mutations (i.e., human knockouts) and other
missense variants. Moreover, all four Projects involve experiments that span fundamental studies on single
molecules and cells to animal models (Core B; Mouse Cardiac Physiology Core). Combining human missense /
loss of function mutations found in the PGR cohort in CaV1.2, RYR2 or key regulatory proteins with in-depth
structure-function experiments promises to advance new understanding of genotype-phenotype relationships in
human cardiovascular diseases involving Ca2+ cycling proteins in the heart. We expect the proposed studies to
yield new insights into structure-function and regulation of CaV1.2 and RYR2 and advance their utility as
therapeutic targets for cardiac dysfunction. The PIs of the four projects have a collaboration history and track
record of developing innovative approaches for studies of CaV1.2 and RYR2 molecular physiology.
Statut | Terminé |
Date de début/de fin réelle | 5/15/23 → 4/30/24 |
- Fisiología
- Cardiología y medicina cardiovascular
Empreinte numérique
Explorer les sujets de recherche abordés dans ce projet. Ces étiquettes sont créées en fonction des prix/bourses sous-jacents. Ensemble, ils forment une empreinte numérique unique.
- 4 Terminé
Roles of Rad and other CaV1.2 neighboring proteins in regulating cardiac function in health and disease
Marx, S. S. O. (PI)
4/1/23 → 3/31/24
Illuminating the function regulome of cardiac L-type Ca2+ channels in health and disease
Johny, M. M. B. (PI)
4/1/23 → 3/31/24
Novel Tools to Probe Trafficking and Function of Calcium Channel Signaling Complexes in Heart
Colecraft, H. H. M. (PI)
4/1/23 → 3/31/24