Training West African Public Health and Clinical Research Professionals to Conduct Pan-Pathogen Surveillance Using Sustainable and Effective Genetic, Molecular, and Serological Approaches (TWA-PPPSA)

  • Wickiser, John J.K (PI)
  • Doumbia, Seydou (CoPI)


Détails sur le projet


ABSTRACT The Global Alliance for Preventing Pandemics has a long and productive history collaborating with scientists, clinicians, and academics from Mali, Liberia, and many other countries in the Global South. Recently, we have codified a workforce development program to train people to use best technical practices developed by the group at Columbia University to more efficiently, quickly, and economically identify and contain pathogen outbreaks. In this proposal we set forth the plans to move the successful New York-based training to Bamako at USTTB so the Mali professionals may replicate the training experience for their neighbors in West Africa. Further, we have identified the need for training in the broad field of Scientific Writing which includes presenting data to inform governmental decision-makers with posters, reports, data papers, and funding proposals. Our goal is to build capacity in Mali and neighboring countries such as Liberia to increase the written communication skills of public health scientists at all levels. And lastly, we propose to create a Master of Science in molecular biology at USTTB to help build a cohort of well-trained and local technical staff dedicated to fighting infectious disease in the region. We believe this multi-tier approach of integrated workforce development, professional development, and traditional academic programs will help retain talent and ensure the next generation of senior technical leadership will be better prepared for unexpected outbreaks across the region. And lastly, we believe that after demonstrating success in Mali, we will be able to replicate the approach in other regions in need of short, medium, and long-term education and workforce development and retention strategies so they may achieve medical and healthcare independence as outlined in the International Health Regulations of 2005.
Date de début/de fin réelle9/1/244/30/25


  • Genética
  • Microbiología
  • Salud pública, medioambiental y laboral

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