Transitioning to Middle School Successfully: Development of a Brief Intervention to Reduce Student Anxiety (TRAMSS)

  • Ginsburg, Golda G. (PI)
  • Locurto, Jamie J. (CoPI)


Détails sur le projet


Purpose: The purpose of this project is to develop and pilot test a multicomponent intervention to reduce anxiety symptoms and improve academic and social functioning for middle school students with excessive anxiety. The transition from elementary to middle school is difficult for most students, and specialized transition supports are critical for students receiving or at risk of needing special education services. Excessive anxiety can severely impair academic functioning, yet no intervention exists to support this high-risk group during their transition to middle school. This research will fill this gap by developing the intervention, Transitioning to Middle School Successfully (TRAMSS) to be delivered by school clinicians starting in elementary school and continuing into middle school.

Date de début/de fin réelle7/1/216/30/25


  • Institute of Education Sciences: 1 996 408,00 $ US


  • Psiquiatría y salud mental
  • Educación

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