Author Correction: Tendinopathy (Nature Reviews Disease Primers, (2021), 7, 1, (1), 10.1038/s41572-020-00234-1)

Neal L. Millar, Karin G. Silbernagel, Kristian Thorborg, Paul D. Kirwan, Leesa M. Galatz, Geoffrey D. Abrams, George A.C. Murrell, Iain B. McInnes, Scott A. Rodeo

Résultat de rechercheexamen par les pairs

8 Citations (Scopus)


The original version of this article had a few incorrect citations in the Prevention section. This error has now been corrected and the correct references have been updated in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.

Langue d'origineEnglish
Numéro d'article10
JournalNature Reviews Disease Primers
Numéro de publication1
Statut de publicationPublished - déc. 2021

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • General Medicine

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