Case 2: A patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus requires oral surgery

Ira B. Lamster, Nurit Bittner, Daniel Lorber

Résultat de recherche


This chapter presents a case study that a patient with well-controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus is seen for removal of two third molar teeth. The dentist consults with the patient's physician about alterations in the patients' routine that are required before and after the extractions. It is essential that the treating dentist be fully aware of the patient's metabolic status over the course of the previous six to 12 months, as well as the patient's blood glucose level. Before beginning the procedure, the patient should be questioned about timing of medication ingestion, the last self-administered evaluation of the blood glucose level, and how she or he is feeling. Knowledge, planning, and preparation are the keys to avoiding hypoglycemia, and treating it effectively if it does occur.

Langue d'origineEnglish
Titre de la publication principaleDiabetes Mellitus and Oral Health
Sous-titre de la publication principaleAn Interprofessional Approach
Maison d'éditionWiley-Blackwell
Nombre de pages5
ISBN (électronique)9781118887837
ISBN (imprimé)9781118377802
Statut de publicationPublished - mai 27 2014

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • General Dentistry

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