Characteristics and outcomes of 241 births to women with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection at Five New York City Medical Centers

Rasha Khoury, Peter S. Bernstein, Chelsea Debolt, Joanne Stone, Desmond M. Sutton, Lynn L. Simpson, Meghana A. Limaye, Ashley S. Roman, Melissa Fazzari, Christina A. Penfield, Lauren Ferrara, Calvin Lambert, Lisa Nathan, Rodney Wright, Angela Bianco, Brian Wagner, Dena Goffman, Cynthia Gyamfi-Bannerman, William E. Schweizer, Karina AvilaBijan Khaksari, Meghan Proehl, Fabiano Heitor, Johanna Monro, David L. Keefe, Mary E. D'Alton, Michael Brodman, Sharmila K. Makhija, Siobhan M. Dolan

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