Early Childhood Caries: Definition and Epidemiology

Burton L. Edelstein, Courtney H. Chinn, Robert J. Laughlin, Christie L. Custodio-Lumsden

Résultat de recherche


This chapter explores the various terms used for tooth decay condition, describes distinct patterns of this disease within early childhood caries (ECC), and summarizes information on ECC prevalence and distribution among U.S. children. It elucidates the social, behavioral, and biologic correlates of this condition and explores the implications of ECC epidemiology for evolving health service delivery and financing approaches. This chapter confirms that ECC occurrence is highly prevalent in the U.S. It is also highly prevalent in other developed countries and is increasingly common in developing countries as they introduce western diets and feeding practices through ECC clinical presentations. The chapter explores the epidemiology of the untreated tooth decay by explaining disease occurrence, key biologic correlates of ECC and social determinants of ECC.

Langue d'origineEnglish
Titre de la publication principaleEarly Childhood Oral Health
Sous-titre de la publication principaleSecond Edition
Maison d'éditionWiley-Blackwell
Nombre de pages32
ISBN (électronique)9781119101741
ISBN (imprimé)9781118792100
Statut de publicationPublished - août 7 2015

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • General Dentistry

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