Effect of Corticosteroids for Fetal Maturation on Perinatal Outcomes: NIH Consensus Development Panel on the Effect of Corticosteroids for Fetal Maturation on Perinatal Outcomes

Larry C. Gilstrap, Robert Christensen, William H. Clewell, Mary E. D'Alton, Ezra C. Davidson, Marilyn B. Escobedo, Dwenda K. Gjerdingen, Jan Goddard-Finegold, Robert L. Goldenberg, David A. Grimes, Thomas N. Hansen, Ralph E. Kauffman, Emmett B. Keeler, William Oh, Elizabeth J. Susman, Marlyn G. Vogel, Mary Ellen Avery, Philip L. Ballard, Roberta A. Ballard, Patricia CrowleyThomas Garite, Gary D.V. Hankins, Alan H. Jobe, Janna G. Koppe, James E. Maher, Irwin R. Merkatz, Seetha Shankaran, Kit N. Simpson, John C. Sinclair, Theodore A. Slotkin, H. William Taeusch, Linda L. Wright, Duane Alexander, Mary Anne Berberich, Michael Bracken, Leslie Cooper, Larry Culpepper, Jerry M. Elliott, John H. Ferguson, Frederic Frigoletto, Dorothy Berlin Gail, William H. Hall, M. Douglas Jones, Barbara Medoff-Cooper, Gerald B. Merenstein, Judith M. Whalen, Claude Lenfant, Ada Sue Hinshaw

Résultat de rechercheexamen par les pairs

859 Citations (Scopus)
Langue d'origineEnglish
Pages (de-à)413-418
Nombre de pages6
JournalJAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association
Numéro de publication5
Statut de publicationPublished - févr. 1 1995

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • General Medicine


Gilstrap, L. C., Christensen, R., Clewell, W. H., D'Alton, M. E., Davidson, E. C., Escobedo, M. B., Gjerdingen, D. K., Goddard-Finegold, J., Goldenberg, R. L., Grimes, D. A., Hansen, T. N., Kauffman, R. E., Keeler, E. B., Oh, W., Susman, E. J., Vogel, M. G., Ellen Avery, M., Ballard, P. L., Ballard, R. A., ... Sue Hinshaw, A. (1995). Effect of Corticosteroids for Fetal Maturation on Perinatal Outcomes: NIH Consensus Development Panel on the Effect of Corticosteroids for Fetal Maturation on Perinatal Outcomes. JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 273(5), 413-418. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.1995.03520290065031