Jillia Bird’s Story: Speaking Up for Midwifery Care

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Jillia is from Antigua and described her mother’s experience birthing Jillia and her twin sister in Antigua with a midwife. She birthed her second son at CBC in time to graduate with her optometry degree and return to live in Antigua. She developed a commitment to midwifery and advocates for it in her work.

Langue d'origineEnglish
Titre de la publication principalePalgrave Studies in Oral History
Maison d'éditionPalgrave Macmillan
Nombre de pages12
Statut de publicationPublished - 2023

Séries de publication

PrénomPalgrave Studies in Oral History
VolumePart F1695
ISSN (imprimé)2731-5673
ISSN (électronique)2731-5681

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • History

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