Maxillary Osteotomies

Alex M. Greenberg, Shahid R. Aziz

Résultat de recherche


As a result of basic research and clinical advances, maxillary osteotomies have been a predictable method for the management of various maxillary deformities for more than 30 years [1]. Fixation methods have undergone as much change as the development of the surgical procedures. Maxillomandibular fixation and skeletal wire fixation were the mainstay techniques in orthognathic procedures until the availability of rigid fixation in maxillofacial surgery in the 1970s. With the development and refinements of rigid internal fixation, the advantages in maxillofacial surgery continue to be the avoidance of maxillomandibular fixation, superior stabilization and positioning of segments, and the fixation of bone grafts. Rigid internal fixation offers considerable advantages with regard to postoperative airway management, feeding, and a more rapid rehabilitation of the patient.

Langue d'origineEnglish
Titre de la publication principaleCraniomaxillofacial Reconstructive and Corrective Bone Surgery
Sous-titre de la publication principaleSecond Edition
Maison d'éditionSpringer New York
Nombre de pages28
ISBN (électronique)9781493915293
ISBN (imprimé)9781493915286
Statut de publicationPublished - janv. 1 2019

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • General Medicine
  • General Dentistry

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