Persistence of oxidative stress after heart tranplantation: A comparative study of patients with heart transplant versus chronic stable heart failure

Osvaldo Pérez, Pablo Castro, Guillermo Díaz-Araya, Danniels Nettle, Francisco Moraga, Mario Chiong, Jorge Jalil, Ricardo Zalaquett, Sergio Morán, Pedro Becker, Ramón Corbalán, Sergio Lavandero

Résultat de rechercheexamen par les pairs

11 Citations (Scopus)


Introduction and objective. Chronic heart failure (CHF) is associated with oxidative stress. Heart transplantation, an important therapeutic alternative in these patients, could reduce oxidative stress by improving cardiac function. Our aim was to evaluate post-heart transplantation oxidative stress. Patients and method. We studied three experimental groups: a) heart transplant recipients without evidence of rejection (n = 11); b) NYHA class III CHF patients (n = 19), and c) healthy control subjects (n = 14). Oxidative stress was assessed by measuring plasma malondialdehyde levels (MDA), and determining the enzymatic activities of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), catalase (CAT), and superoxidase dismutase (SOD). Results. The demographic characteristics of the three groups were similar. Mean time from transplantation was 20.0 ± 4.8 months. Mean MDA plasma levels in heart transplantation and CHF patients were significantly higher than in normal subjects (3.35 ± 0.8; 3.27 ± 1.7 y 0.9 ± 0.3 μM, respectively). GSH-Px activity increased after transplantation compared to control subjects (0.40 ± 0.06 and 0.33 ± 0.05 U/g Hb, respectively), but not the CHF group. A significant decrease in SOD activity was found in the heart transplant vs. CHF group (0.44 ± 0.1 vs. 0.87 ± 0.6 U/mg Hb). There were no differences in CAT values between heart transplant and CHF patients. Conclusion. These findings demonstrated the presence of permanent oxidative stress in patients who have undergone heart transplantation, characterized by an increase in MDA and a decrease in SOD activity, despite an increase in GSH-Px activity.

Titre traduit de la contributionPersistencia del estrés oxidativo postrasplante cardíaco: Estudio comparativo entre pacientes con trasplante cardíaco y coninsuficiencia cardíaca crónica estable
Langue d'origineEnglish
Numéro d'article76712
Pages (de-à)831-837
Nombre de pages7
JournalRevista Espanola de Cardiologia
Numéro de publication8
Statut de publicationPublished - 2002

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

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