Tavel, J. A., Babiker, A., Carey, C., Fisher, M., Fox, L., Gey, D., Lopardo, G. D., Lopez, J. C., Markowitz, N., Munroe, D., Paton, N., Ruxrungtham, K., Standridge, B., Wentworth, D., Wyman, N., Aagaard, B., Borup, L., Grarup, J., Jansson, P. O., ... Rodriguez-Barradas, M. C. (2010). Effects of intermittent IL-2 alone or with peri-cycle antiretroviral therapy in early HIV infection: The STALWART study. PLoS One, 5(2), Artículo e9334. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0009334
Tavel, JA, Babiker, A, Carey, C, Fisher, M, Fox, L, Gey, D, Lopardo, GD, Lopez, JC, Markowitz, N, Munroe, D, Paton, N, Ruxrungtham, K, Standridge, B, Wentworth, D, Wyman, N, Aagaard, B, Borup, L, Grarup, J, Jansson, PO, Jensen, K, Lundgren, J, Mollerup, D, Reilev, S, Braimah, N, Darbyshire, J, Horton, J, King, E, Smith, N, Van Hooff, F, Cooper, DA, Courtney-Rodgers, D, Emery, S, Finley, E, Gordin, F, Sánchez, A, Thomas, D, Bebchuk, J, Bollenbeck, P, Denning, E, DuChene, AG, Fosdick, L, Harrison, M, Krum, E, Larson, G, Neaton, JD, Nelson, R, Quan, K, Quan, SFL, Schultz, T, Thompson, G, Collins, S, Haerry, DH, Meulbroek, M, Peavy, D, Rappoport, C, Schwarze, S, Valdez, M, Watson, J, Belloso, WH, Davey, R, Duprez, D, Gatell, JM, Hoy, J, Lifson, A, Pederson, C, Perez, G, Price, R, Prineas, R, Rhame, F, Sampson, JH, Worley, J, Modlin, JF, Beral, V, Chaisson, RE, Fleming, TR, Hill, C, Kim, KM, Murray, BE, Pick, B, Seligmann, M, Weller, I, Luzar, MA, Martinez, A, Costas, V, Eckstrand, J, Brown, S, Lupo, SH, Losso, MH, Anderson, J, Chuah, J, Kelly, M, Orth, D, Wolff, MJ, Rusconi, S, Tambussi, G, Horban, A, Antunes, F, Mansinho, K, Da Conceicao Vera, JAV, Himmich, H, Chetchotisakd, P, Kantipong, P, Orkin, C, Portsmouth, S, Winston, A, Wiselka, MJ, Anstead, GM, Arduino, RC, Goetz, MB, Hennessey, K, El-Sadr, W, Labriola, AM, Nixon, DE & Rodriguez-Barradas, MC 2010, 'Effects of intermittent IL-2 alone or with peri-cycle antiretroviral therapy in early HIV infection: The STALWART study', PLoS One, vol. 5, n.º 2, e9334. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0009334