Erratum: “Associations of organophosphate ester flame retardant exposures during pregnancy with gestational duration and fetal growth: The environmental influences on child health outcomes (echo) program” (Environ Health Perspect 132 (1): 017004 (2024) (10.1289/EHP13182))

Jiwon Oh, Jessie P. Buckley, Xuan Li, Kennedy K. Gachigi, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Wenjie Lyu, Jennifer L. Ames, Emily S. Barrett, Theresa M. Bastain, Carrie V. Breton, Claudia Buss, Lisa A. Croen, Anne L. Dunlop, Assiamira Ferrara, Akhgar Ghassabian, Julie B. Herbstman, Ixel Hernandez-Castro, Irva Hertz-Picciotto, Linda G. Kahn, Margaret R. KaragasJordan R. Kuiper, Cindy T. McEvoy, John D. Meeker, Rachel Morello-Frosch, Amy M. Padula, Megan E. Romano, Sheela Sathyanarayana, Susan Schantz, Rebecca J. Schmidt, Hyagriv Simhan, Anne P. Starling, Frances A. Tylavsky, Heather E. Volk, Tracey J. Woodruff, Yeyi Zhu, Deborah H. Bennett

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Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology