Immediate versus delayed temporization at posterior single implant sites: A randomized controlled trial

Joseph Wang, Gila Lerman, Nurit Bittner, Weijia Fan, Evanthia Lalla, Panos N. Papapanou

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15 Citas (Scopus)


Aims: We conducted a randomized controlled trial to assess the clinical outcomes of two loading protocols involving either immediate or delayed prosthetic temporization of single implants placed at posterior, healed sites. Materials and Methods: Forty-nine patients in need of single implants at premolar or molar sites were randomized to receive a temporary crown either immediately after implant placement or 3 months later. Randomization was stratified by sex, implant location (premolar/molar) and arch (maxilla/mandible). Final implant screw-retained zirconia crowns with angulated screw channels were delivered at 5 months after surgery. Radiographic bone levels (primary outcome), peri-implant mucosal margin levels and peri-implant probing depths were recorded at baseline, 6 and 12 months after surgery. Results: Both treatment arms showed similar patterns of soft tissue and bone re-modelling from the implant platform over 12 months [mean bone level change 1.6 mm (SD 1.0 mm) in the delayed, and 1.2 mm (SD 1.3 mm) in the immediate temporization group], with the majority of changes occurring within the first 6 months. Conclusions: Immediate or delayed temporization of single implants placed at posterior healed sites resulted in largely similar 1-year outcomes with respect to peri-implant bone levels and soft tissue changes.

Idioma originalEnglish
Páginas (desde-hasta)1281-1291
Número de páginas11
PublicaciónJournal of Clinical Periodontology
EstadoPublished - oct. 1 2020


This study was partially funded through a contract between the Office of Clinical Trials, Columbia University Irving Medical Center and Nobel Biocare Services AG, Kloten, Switzerland (grant number 2014‐1287). This study was partially funded through a contract between the Office of Clinical Trials, Columbia University Irving Medical Center and Nobel Biocare Services AG, Kloten, Switzerland (grant number 2014-1287). We would like to thank oral radiologist Dr. Agneta Lith, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of G?teborg, Sweden, for measuring radiographic bone levels, and Ms. Romanita Celenti, College of Dental Medicine, Columbia University, for serving as the study coordinator.

FinanciadoresNúmero del financiador
Nobel Biocare Services AG2014‐1287
Office of Clinical Trials
University of G?teborg
Columbia University
Irving Medical Center, Columbia University
Sahlgrenska Akademin

    ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

    • Periodontics


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